In support for the HOPE: Malawi school-wide spring service project, Ridge View will be hosting Global Gourmet: A Night of International Feasting on Monday, May 5th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm in the RVHS cafeteria. Join the school and local community in sampling cuisine from around the world while listening to international music. A silent auction will also be held. Admission is $7.
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
REMINDER: RSD2 Physical Packets & $10 Fee Due TODAY!!
Physicals for Ridge View student-athletes will be given on Saturday, May 3rd at 12:oo PM at Providence Hospital and Moore Center for Orthopedics on 114 Gateway Corporate Blvd. Student-athletes must get a physical packet from the RVHS Athletic Training Room, the Main Office, from your coach, the RVHS Athletic website, the RVHS Sports Medicine website, the RSD2 website, or click the image above. The physical packet including the permission slip and a payment of $10 (cash, check, money order or cashier's check) must be submitted to Coach Hoppe in the RVHS Athletic Training Room TODAY. ONLY Richland School District Two physical packets will be accepted; and no payment will be accepted at the Moore Center for Orthopedics. Please contact Coach Hoppe ( with any questions or concerns.
SAVE THE DATE: BlazerFest Is May 10th!!
Join us for BlazerFest on Saturday, May 10th at the school. The festival will feature live entertainment, business displays, workshops and seminars, a children's area, food concessions, displays of services and vehicles from public service organizations including the U.S. Army at Fort Jackson and Ridge View Lane, an exhibition of the awesome programs and extracurricular organizations at the school. So come out and enjoy the festival with your family and friends. Spread the word about the event and the wonderful activities that are planned.
Any Ridge View parent or student who would like to volunteer can sign up at this link or contact the PTSO president, Dawn Dawson-House ( Click the image (or click here) to check out view the workshop flyer.
REMINDER: RV Dance Showcase Auditions
The Fine Arts Department is hosting the Ridge View Dance Showcase, which is open to ALL at Ridge View. If you are interested, please sign up with Mrs. Harrison in the Dance Studio on the Girls P.E. Hall. Auditions will be held on May 6th during lunch. A dress rehearsal will be held on May 12th with the RV Dance Showcase taking place on May 13th.
RSD2 Parent Survey - Due Today
Richland School District Two is asking you to complete a survey to help our efforts to work with families in our school community. We want to make sure that we are doing all we can for our families and their students. To take the Parent Survey, click the image on the right or go to our school website and click "Parent Survey" under the Quick Links menu. Your response will be completely anonymous. Enter the pass-phrase "TWO (T-W-O) when prompted by the survey.
By completing this survey, your Ridge View student can clear one hour of after school detention. We ask that you print the response sheet and have your student return it to the Main Office. Please complete this survey. The deadline is TODAY.
Thank you in advance for completing this survey.
Tuesday, April 29, 2014
Class of 2014 T-Shirts Deadline Tomorrow
ATHLETICS Highlight: Softball Wins on Senior Night
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L-R: Tori Taylor, Rebecca Ebbrecht and Jahleesa Coatie |
Congratulations to the Lady Blazers Varsity Softball team for their 14-1 win over Newberry on April 24th. Way to go ladies! It was also Senior Night. Seniors Tori Taylor, Rebecca Ebbrecht and Jahleesa Coatie were honored before the Ridge View faithful. Your hard work and dedication is appreciated. You will be truly missed!
ACADEMICS Spotlight: Ross Earns West Point Leadership Award

Cadet Za'Cori Ross was recently awarded the West Point Leadership Award for Ridge View High School for the 2013-2014 school year. The award is to recognize the outstanding high school juniors who demonstrate exceptional performance in the areas of academics, athletics, community service, good citizenship, and leadership. Congratulations Za'Cori!
ARTS Focus: Spring Choral Concert
The RVHS Spring Choral Concert will be held on Tuesday, May 6th. Doors will open at 6:30 pm and the concert will begin promptly at 7:00 pm. Students will be given awards at the conclusion of the concert. Light refreshments will be served in the auditorium lobby following the performance. The concert is free and open to the public.
Summer Reading Book Profile 8: Another Place to Die

Monday, April 28, 2014
ACADEMICS Spotlight: Palmetto Gold Award Congratulations
Click on the image to read the letter of congratulations from the SC Education Oversight Committee for Ridge View receiving Palmetto Gold Awards. The administration at Ridge View would also like to thank teachers, staff, students and parents for making this award possible. Way to go Ridge View!
ACTIVITIES Bulletin: HOPE - Malawi Zumbathon
In support of HOPE: Malawi, Ridge View's school-wide spring service project, a Zumbathon will be held on Friday, May 9th from 6:00 - 8:00 pm in the Large Gym. Please join the school and community in having fun, exercising, and supporting a great cause. Admission is $5.
REMINDER: Summer SAT/ACT Prep Camp
This summer Ridge View will have an SAT/ACT Prep Camp for all interested students from June 16-19th from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Interested students can contact Nicole Walker at or click on the image for more information.
Summer Reading Book Profile 7: Anna Dressed in Blood

Sunday, April 27, 2014
Junior Information Night
All current juniors planning to attend college are invited, along with your parents to attend a Junior Information Night to be held on Wednesday, April 30th at 6:30 pm in the Media Center. Make sure that you are on track to begin your Senior Year!
April Culture Of Excellence Recipient
Ridge View High School Social Studies teacher Ms. Joyce Lide was presented with the Culture of Excellence Award at our faculty meeting on Monday, April 7th. This award is presented to teachers who have made an exceptional contribution to Ridge View High School in one or more of the following areas: teaching and learning, collegiality, commitment to excellence, work ethic, belief that all children can succeed, and valuing diversity. In addition, these teachers exhibit the four P's of an effective teacher: Punctual, Positive, Professional and Proactive. Ms. Lide, The View is proud of YOU! Thank you for making a difference in the lives of our students.
Summer Reading Book Profile 6: The Final Four

REMINDER: PTSO Officer Elections
It's time to elect officers for our Parent Teacher Student Organization (PTSO) for the 2014-15 school year. You do not have to be a member of PTSO to participate in this process. You only have to be committed to Ridge View High School's success and know the names of dedicated volunteers.
Nominations for PTSO President, 1st Vice President, 2nd Vice President, Secretary, Finance Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian are now being accepted. Click the image on the right for position descriptions. Make note of the first and last names of your nominees and method of contact (either telephone number or email address). Email your nomination to Dawn Dawson-House ( by 5 PM on Wednesday, April 30th. We will contact the nominees to see if they are willing to serve in the position for which they were nominated. All willing nominees will be added to the ballot. Voting for the 2014-15 officers will occur at the PTSO meeting on Monday, May 5th at 6 PM in the Media Center.
The offices of SIC Chairperson, SIC Vice Chairperson and SIC Secretary/Recorder will be voted upon at the May 5, 2014, SIC meeting. If you are interested in being considered for any of the three available leadership offices, please submit your name, a brief bio including a statement as to why you'd like to be considered, and the office for which you wish to be considered, to Principal Brenda Mack-Foxworth at The deadline for submissions is May 1, 2014. Please click on the image for more information.
Saturday, April 26, 2014
ATHLETICS Highlights: Track Defeats Lugoff-Elgin
Congratulations to the boys and girls track teams on defeating Lugoff-Elgin on Wednesday, April 23rd. The boys won by a score of 84 to 48 while the girls were victorious by a margin of 53 - 14. Click on the image to see a list of individual winners for the Blazers. Great job Blazers!
ATHLETICS Highlight: Ross Shines at National Championships
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File Photo: Zacori Ross receiving West Point Leadership Award at the Academic Awards Banquet. |
ACTIVITIES Bulletin: Global Gourmet International Feast
In support for the HOPE: Malawi school-wide spring service project, Ridge View will be hosting Global Gourmet: A Night of International Feasting on Monday, May 5th from 6:00 - 7:00 pm in the RVHS cafeteria. Join the school and local community in sampling cuisine from around the world while listening to international music. A silent auction will also be held. Admission is $7.
Summer Reading Book Profile 5: Da Bears!

RSD2 Parent Survey - Please Complete
Richland School District Two is asking you to complete a survey to help our efforts to work with families in our school community. We want to make sure that we are doing all we can for our families and their students. To take the Parent Survey, click the image on the left or go to our school website and click "Parent Survey" under the Quick Links menu. Your response will be completely anonymous. Enter the pass-phrase "TWO (T-W-O) when prompted by the survey.
By completing this survey, your Ridge View student can clear one hour of after school detention. We ask that you print the response sheet and have your student return it to the Main Office. Please complete this survey by April 30, 2104.
Thank you in advance for completing this survey.
Check Out The BlazerFest Workshops
Where can you go camping, hiking, fishing, and boating? Find answers to this question and more from Ranger Russell Stock of Poinsett State Park. He is leading a workshop during BlazerFest on Saturday, May 10th. Ranger Russell will share information on South Carolina's 47 state parks and programs they offer, including ranger-guided walks to waterfalls, camp-outs, nature discovery, and more.
BlazerFest is a celebration of the northeast community and is hosted by Ridge View's PTSO. With FREE admission, this event will be from 10 AM to 3 PM and will include this workshop and much more, including live entertainment. To check out what other workshops and seminars will be conducted click on the image on the right. To learn more about the event, click here. The PTSO is also looking for Ridge View parents and students who are interested in volunteering. If this is you, please sign up by clicking here or contact the PTSO President, Dawn Dawson-House (
Friday, April 25, 2014
ACTIVITIES Bulletin: Prom Reminders
The time is finally here!! Prom is this Saturday, April 26. Please click on the image for some last minute details including directions to Seawells. Also, due to circumstances out of our control, there will be no Prom Promise Assembly today. However, a Prom Promise banner will be hanging in the Main Hallway at lunch today and you can still sign the Prom Promise. We hope you have a safe and enjoyable Prom.
COMMUNITY: Please Attend the Sparkleberry Fair

Richland Two will be very visible at the Sparkleberry Fair this Saturday, April 26th. As you may know, this year alone, 21 students received $1,000 scholarships and 26 teachers received $18,000 from proceeds from the fair. The Sparkleberry Fair has been very generous with us, so please help them be successful by attending the fair. Click on the image for more information about Richland Two's presence at the fair.
ACTIVITIES Bulletin: RV Dance Showcase
The Fine Arts Department is hosting the Ridge View Dance Showcase, which is open to ALL at Ridge View. If you are interested, please sign up with Mrs. Harrison in the Dance Studio on the Girls P.E. Hall. Auditions will be held on May 6th during lunch. A dress rehearsal will be held on May 12th with the RV Dance Showcase taking place on May 13th.
Paul Mitchell The School to Visit The View

A representative from Paul Mitchell The School-Columbia will be in the College and Career Center on Tuesday, April 29th at 2:45 pm to talk with seniors who are interested in attending cosmetology school. Interested students should see Ms. Barnes in the College and Career Center for permission forms.
Summer Reading Book Profile 4: Boy 21

Thursday, April 24, 2014
ARTS Focus: Raku Firing Workshop Open to Community

On Saturday, April 26th at 9:00 am, the Ridge View Art Department with guest artist Brian Schauer will hold a Raku Firing Workshop in the Art Rooms. Students who attended an in-school field study with Mr. Shauer will finish their Raku artwork on this day, but community members are also encouraged to participate in this event. Click on the image for more information, or contact Mrs. Lane Laney at 803-699-2999, ext. 399.
REMINDER: HOPE Awareness Walk
In support of the HOPE: Malawi school wide spring service project, The View is hosting the 7th Annual HOPE Awareness Walk tonight, Thursday, April 24th. Walkers will depart from Ridge View at 5:15 PM. The cost is $5. Students must have parent permission. Forms are available outside of Student Activities
ACADEMICS Spotlight: 4th Quarter Interim Report One
The first interim report for the 4th Quarter grading period is available today by checking parent portal.
Freshmen Focus Day Recap
On Friday, April 11th, the Blazer Academy and the JROTC program held the Second Annual Freshmen Focus day for Ridge View's freshmen class. The day was a celebration of nearing the completion of their first year of high school and focused on building community within the Class of 2017. Students participated in an Advisory class competition in which Coach Howard's class emerged victorious. After a morning of field events, students were treated to a cook out for lunch. In the afternoon, students were able to pick from a variety of activities including a movie, dance marathon, flag football, and a video gaming truck. Visit our flickr page for more pictures.
Summer Reading Book Profile 3: Who Am I Without Him?

Wednesday, April 23, 2014
April Educator Of The Month
Congratulations goes to Mr. Robert O'Connell. Because of his compassion, positive attitude, and dedication to the students, staff, and Ridge View, positive attitude, willingness to help, Mr. O'Connell received the Educator of the Month award for April. He worked for Ridge View for several years as a volunteer football coach before becoming a teaching assistant. As one teacher stated, "we are blessed as a Special Education department to have such a valuable, amazing person on our team. We love you Robert!!"
Summer Reading Book Profile 2: Leaving Paradise

RSD2 Parent Survey - Please Complete
Richland School District Two is asking you to complete a survey to help our efforts to work with families in our school community. We want to make sure that we are doing all we can for our families and their students. To take the Parent Survey, click the image on the right or go to our school website and click "Parent Survey" under the Quick Links menu. Your response will be completely anonymous. Enter the pass-phrase "TWO (T-W-O) when prompted by the survey.
By completing this survey, your Ridge View student can clear one hour of after school detention. We ask that you print the response sheet and have your student return it to the Main Office. Please complete this survey by April 30, 2104.
Thank you in advance for completing this survey.
REMINDER: Athletic Physical Packets & Physicals Day
Physicals for Ridge View student-athletes will be given on Saturday, May 3rd at 12:oo PM at Providence Hospital and Moore Center for Orthopedics on 114 Gateway Corporate Blvd. Student-athletes must get a physical packet from the RVHS Athletic Training Room, the Main Office, from your coach, the RVHS Athletic website, the RVHS Sports Medicine website, the RSD2 website, or click the image above. The physical packet including the permission slip and a payment of $10 (cash, check, money order or cashier's check) must be submitted to Coach Hoppe in the RVHS Athletic Training Room by Wednesday, April 30th. ONLY Richland School District Two physical packets will be accepted; and no payment will be accepted at the Moore Center for Orthopedics. Please contact Coach Hoppe at with any questions or concerns.
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
ACTIVITIES Bulletin: HOPE Awareness Walk

ACTIVITIES Bulletin: CiCi's Night Benefiting HOPE: Malawi

Summer Reading Book Profile 1: Hollywood High
This is the 1st in a series of 16 posts highlighting books on our Summer Reading list. In a few weeks, students will select one book from the list to enjoy reading over the summer and to take part in our Summer Reading Celebration Day on September 17, 2014. This post features Hollywood High by Ni-Ni Simone from our "Connections from the Heart" romance/family category. For more information about this novel, please click on the image.
This Week in the College and Career Center
Here is what is going on in the College and Career Center this week:
- Tuesday, April 22nd: a Midlands Tech representative will be available to speak to students at lunch in the Main Hall
- Wednesday, April 23rd: a represenative from Claflin College will be available to speak to students at lunch in the Main Hall
- Friday, April 25th: Columbia College is bringing lunch! See Ms. Bishop by Wednesday to sign up.

Monday, April 21, 2014
ACTIVITIES Bulletin: Beta Club Induction Ceremony
On April 9th, the Ridge View chapter of the National Beta Club was proud to induct 72 new members into its organization. The mission of the National Beta Club is to promote the ideals of academic achievement, character, service and leadership among elementary and secondary school students. The program was held in the cafeteria rotunda and was well attended by students, community members, and Ridge View faculty and staff. Congratulations to all of the new members. Congratulations Beta Club Members!
COMMUNITY: Eliza Video Goes Viral
A father's shot in the dark e-mail leads to a viral video that could save a little girl's life and cure a terminal illness once and for all! Glenn O'Neill's 4-year old daughter, Eliza, suffers from a terminal and rapidly degenerative disease, San Filippo Syndrome. In order to raise money for San Filippo research, he conducted a Google search on "how to make a viral video," that led him to Karen Cheng from Give it 100, who helped Mr. O'Neill get in contact with D.L. Cade from PetaPixel, and well known photographer Benjamin Von Wong, who came to stay with the O'Neill's for a week and created a video that garnered 44,000 Youtube views and over $70,000 in new donations in the first two days of launching Many news agencies have picked up this story including the Huffington Post, NYDaily News, Health, Daily Mail UK, Perez Hilton, Right This Minute, etc.
ATHLETICS: Cheer Tryouts Are TODAY
Yes, the time has arrived. Cheer tryouts begin today. If interested, please bring your completed application, cheer or tennis shoes, shorts, and a t-shirt and of course your hair in a ponytail (if long enough). Tryouts are scheduled for April 21-24 in the Large and Small Gyms from 4:00 - 6:30 PM. Click image on the right for more information and the documents necessary to tryout.
REMINDER: Rangers Rifle Team Tryouts

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