On February 15th, 41 Ridge View students participated in the 2018 High School District Honor Choir at Blythewood High School. While there, they worked with Dr. Paul Thompson from the University of Idaho.
Wednesday, February 28, 2018
ACADEMICS: Disney CAT Senior Capstone Trip
Disney YES programs take place in the information-rich setting of the Disney parks in Florida and California to give students a hands-on, educational adventure. The first day students attended the Energy and Waves Physics Lab where students saw first-hand how these elements are a vital part of creating world-class attractions and how Disney uses these physical properties to entertain and amaze guests from all over the world. The rode the famous Haunted House ride and were then allowed to go behind the scenes and see how Disney uses light refraction to create scenes. The second day students attended the Evolution of Technology program. Students explored rides in Future World at Epcot and learned about the ways that the wants and needs of society impact the evolution of technology. It was an amazing experience that truly combined learning and fun.
COLLEGE: Want to Take College Courses Next Year? Register by March 5th
Seniors who are interested in attending a technical college such as Midlands Tech, or students interested in taking dual credit college courses next year at either at Ridge View or R2i2 should take the FREE Accuplacer Placement Exam on Thursday, March 8th. Register online by clicking on the image. Students interested in taking the exam must register online by 5:00 PM on March 5th. Please contact Ms. Barnes (arbarnes@richland2.org) or Mr. Fewell (jfewell@richland2.org) by email or stop to see them in the Career Center.
Potential Dual Credit Courses: Intro to Sociology, Intro to Psychology, English 101 & 102, Intro to Criminal Justice, Business Law, and Public Speaking
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
ACADEMICS: CAT Students Visit SiMT
Ridge View CAT Computer Science students visited the Southeastern Institute of Manufacturing Technology in Florence, SC. SiMT continuously invests in the very latest 3D/virtual reality production solutions, ensuring that the presentations they produced are the most realistic and immersive available anywhere. Our students were able to experience the results of innovative 3D printing. They also had hands on experience in the virtual reality lab where the use of virtual training environments can save time, money and reduce your exposure to training accidents. The students were also able to visit the centers database room and the Social Media Listening Center.
ATHLETICS: Signing Day 2018
The following Blazer student-athletes signed National Letters of Intent to continue their education and play football at the next level.
- Damion Daley, Colorado State University (CO)
- Brandon Jackson, Highland Community College (KS)
- Tra’Shad Jett, Newberry College (SC)
- Montarius Jones, St. Andrews University (NC)
- Bernard Porter, Highland Community College (KS)
ACTIVITIES: #loveisrespect Week Was A Great Success
The Scholars Academy Magnet for Business and Law would like to thank everyone who participated in the 4th annual #loveisrespect awareness week. The Scholar Magnet Senior Class sponsored the event and was seeking to educate teens on maintaining healthy relationships and recognizing the signs of relationship violence.
CAREER: Charged Chromebook Needed Tomorrow, Feb. 28th
Ridge View's Annual Career Day will be Wednesday, March 28th. The activities planned will begin 1st period and end 4th period. Students will attend their 5th, 6th, and 7th period classes after lunch as normal. Students will register for their Career Day seminars and workshops during Advisory beginning Wednesday, February 28th. It is crucial to the success of Career Day that all students make their selections on that day in order to ensure that they get the seminars they requested. Students will also need a fully charged chromebook on February 28th since the Career Day registration process is online.
Monday, February 26, 2018
COLLEGE: Interested in Taking College Courses Now?
Seniors who are interested in attending a technical college such as Midlands Tech, or students interested in taking dual credit college courses next year at either at Ridge View or R2i2 should take the FREE Accuplacer Placement Exam on Thursday, March 8th. Register online by clicking on the image. Students interested in taking the exam must register online by 5:00 PM on March 5th. Please contact Ms. Barnes (arbarnes@richland2.org) or Mr. Fewell (jfewell@richland2.org) by email or stop to see them in the Career Center.
Potential Dual Credit Courses: Intro to Sociology, Intro to Psychology, English 101 & 102, Intro to Criminal Justice, Business Law, and Public Speaking
Check Out RVH College Center for Summer Programs & Scholarship Info
Summer is just around the corner. There are a lot of programs available to high school students. Some of the programs are listed below. For more information on these summer programs and others, visit Ms. Aldigheiri in the College Center, Room D-95.
Summer Programs
- Riverbanks Zoo - Zooteens Volunteer Program, Application Deadline March 1st
- Washington Youth Tour, June 9 - 14
Scholarships with March Deadlines
- SC Association of Extension Administrative Professionals ($1,000), Deadline March 2nd
- Richland County Education Association ($1,000), Deadline March 9th
- Nina Neely Scholarship Essay Contest ($1,000), Deadline March 12th
- SC State Fair Scholarship ($1,000), Deadline March 15th
- RCAEOP Scholarship ($1,000), Deadline March 15th
- SCEAR Scholarship ($1,000), Deadline March 15th
- First in Family Scholarship ($1,250), Deadline March 16th
- SCCAWS Scholarship ($1,000), Deadline March 16th
- Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Camp Scholarship ($500), Deadline March 17th
- Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Scholarship, Deadline March 17th
- Pontaic SIC Scholarship ($1,000), Deadline March 23rd
- Richland County Alumnae Chapter Scholarship ($1,250), Deadline March 27th
- Janice M. Scott Memorial Scholarship ($2,500), Deadline March 31st
COLLEGES: College of Charleston Summer Program for Rising Juniors & Seniors
Calling all rising Juniors & Seniors: College of Charleston is offering Summer Preparatory Programs.
Junior Project Dates: June 24 - June 28
Senior Project Dates: July 15 - July 20
Cost: $150.00 and includes food, lodging and all activities). Partial scholarships are available to those who qualify.
For more information, click on the image and scroll down to Multicultural Student Events or call 843.953.4954.
CAREERS: Clemson Career Workshop Application Deadline April 30
Clemson Career Workshop July 8-14
Open to Rising High School Seniors
Click on the image for more info & to apply
Application Deadline: April 30, 2018
Sunday, February 25, 2018
ATHLETICS: Boys Basketball, Upper State Champs, State Title Game March 3
Congratulations to the Ridge View Boys Basketball team on defeating South Aiken in the Upper State title game on Friday night! The Blazers won 60-47 and now move on to play for the AAAA State title on Saturday, March 3rd at 7:00 PM at Colonial Life Arena. Tickets are $10.
Click the image to read the full write up in The State. Go Blazers!
CAREER: Career Day 2018 Registration Feb. 28th
Ridge View's Annual Career Day will be Wednesday, March 28th. The activities planned will begin 1st period and end 4th period. Students will attend their 5th, 6th, and 7th period classes after lunch as normal. Students will register for their Career Day seminars and workshops during Advisory beginning Wednesday, February 28th. It is crucial to the success of Career Day that all students make their selections on that day in order to ensure that they get the seminars they requested. Students will also need a fully charged chromebook on February 28th since the Career Day registration process is online.
Saturday, February 24, 2018
ATHLETICS: Let's Support Mrs. Rupp & Her Rugby Teammates
The Columbia men and women play rugby this Saturday, February 24th! Both games are at Seven Oaks Park in Irmo. The men play Charlotte at 1:00 PM; and the women play Atlanta at 3:00 PM. Mrs. Ana Rupp, Mathematics teacher at Ridge View, plays for the women's team. The events are FREE so let's go out and show Mrs. Rupp our Blazer pride.
ACADEMICS: ACT Testing for 3rd Year Students, Feb 27th
As partners in your student’s education, it is important to ensure that they are prepared for each step along their educational journey. One way to determine student preparedness is through assessment; therefore, we will be administering ACT tests to several 3rd year students.
The ACT will be given on Tuesday, February 27. The ACT test subjects are: English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and Writing. It is important to note that these tests are timed! Click on the image to find FREE test questions and resources.
Parents, please try to avoid scheduling any appointments during this time as these are very important series of tests; and we would like for your student to do his or her best. Students were informed of their testing location last week. Please have them check their school email accounts for their testing locations.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Thomas, ACT Testing Coordinator at 699-2999, extension 84202 or mthomas@richland2.org.
Friday, February 23, 2018
ATHLETICS: Friday Night’s Upper State Game Tickets Available Online
Ridge View fans can purchase tickets for $10 ONLINE for the Upper State Championship Game by clicking on the image. Click on Search Schools in the upper right corner. Enter Ridge View High School in the search box. Be sure to select the Ridge View in Columbia SC and type Ridge View as two words not one. There are several schools named Ridge View.
$10 tickets will also be available at the arena on Friday night as long as space is available. Children 5 and under are free. A General Admission ticket will allow patrons to see all games that day. However, re-entry is not allowed; and a new ticket must be purchased if a patron decides to leave the building with plans of returning.
Tipoff for the Ridge View vs. South Aiken Upper State Championship is set for 8:30 PM. Gates open for spectators at 3:00 pm on Friday.
General public must enter BSWA at the main entrance located to the right of the box office on Church Street. SC High School League passes (with picture ID) will enter through the HSL Pass Gate also located on Church Street.
Fans will not be permitted to reserve sections of seats. No artificial noisemakers or hand held signs will be allowed. No parents or fans will be allowed on the court during or following any game. Fans and parents are allowed to have cameras at the event.
COLLEGE: ACT Science Workshop
Thursday, February 22, 2018
CAREERS: Career Day 2018 Registration Feb. 28th
Ridge View's Annual Career Day will be Wednesday, March 28th. The activities planned will begin 1st period and end 4th period. Students will attend their 5th, 6th, and 7th period classes after lunch as normal. Students will register for their Career Day seminars and workshops during Advisory beginning Wednesday, February 28th. It is crucial to the success of Career Day that all students make their selections on that day in order to ensure that they get the seminars they requested. Students will also need a fully charged chromebook on February 28th since the Career Day registration process is online.
ARTS: Choral Students Receive High Ratings at SCMEA Competition
On Saturday, February 10th, Ridge View hosted many schools from around the central region for the 2018 Choral Solo & Ensemble. It was a fantastic day with a great deal of incredible singing!
Emma Schaefer received Superior ratings for her performance in the high school solo division. Gabriel McFarlan competed in the advanced high school solo division and received superior ratings.
ATHLETICS: Varsity Basketball Moves to Upper State Finals
Congratulations to the Ridge View Varsity Boys Basketball team on defeating Aiken on Tuesday night 77-61 at Aiken High School. The win moves the Blazers into the SCHSL Final Four, and they will face South Aiken in Greenville, SC at Bon Secours Wellness Arena on Friday night at 8:30pm.
Tickets are $10. There is a CLEAR BAG POLICY AT BON SECOURS ARENA. All fan bags entering the arena must be clear.
Here are the Blazer scorers from Tuesday night:
Crosby Harris-James 24, Walyn Napper 23, Javon Anderson 20, Jenkins 4, Wilson 4, McKenny 2.
ATHLETICS: Don't Miss the Spirit Bus!!
Congratulations to the Boys Basketball team on their win last night over Aiken 77-61! They now move on to the Upper State Finals Friday night at 8:30 PM at Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville. The Blazers will be taking on South Aiken; and we have a Spirit Bus going! You must sign up and pay in advance if you want to ride the Spirit Bus.
Deadline: Friday, February 23 @ 10 AM
Location: Main Office
Cost: $5
Depart: 5:00 PM (Behind the Gym)
Return: 11:15 PM
Return: 11:15 PM
No walk-ons will be allowed on the bus.
You will need an additional $10 for your game ticket when you arrive at the Arena and additional money for the concession area. The bus will not be stopping for food on the way to the game or on the way back. THERE IS A CLEAR BAG POLICY FOR ALL FANS AT THE WELLNESS ARENA. ALL BAGS MUST BE CLEAR FOR FANS ENTERING THE ARENA.
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
CAREERS: RSD2 Summer Jobs Available, Last Day of Interviews
The district is hosting a job fair for Richland Two students on March 3, 2018. The purpose is to assist students in finding summer employment. There are only 30 slots available for Ridge View students. Students will have to present their resume and their elevator pitch. The best 30 students will be awarded slots. Ms. Barnes, RV Career Development Facilitator, will select students during lunch on February 21st. Students who receive a slot will be notified by email. Students can email Ms. Barnes to select a day to present their elevator pitch. Any student who needs information on how to do an elevator pitch should look it up on youtube.
COLLEGE: ACT Science Workshop
Science Section of the ACT?
Then join Ms. Cannon, Ms. Moore and Ms. Pierce for an
Saturday, February 24th
Coffee and Donuts will be served!
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
ACADEMICS: ACT Testing for 3rd Year Students, Feb 27
As partners in your student’s education, it is important to ensure that they are prepared for each step along their educational journey. One way to determine student preparedness is through assessment; therefore, we will be administering ACT tests to several 3rd year students.
The ACT will be given on Tuesday, February 27. The ACT test subjects are: English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and Writing. It is important to note that these tests are timed! Click on the image to find FREE test questions and resources.
Parents, please try to avoid scheduling any appointments during this time as these are very important series of tests; and we would like for your student to do his or her best. Students were informed of their testing location last week. Please have them check their school email accounts for their testing locations.
If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Thomas, ACT Testing Coordinator at 699-2999, extension 84202 or mthomas@richland2.org.
CAREERS: RSD2 Summer Jobs Available, Only TODAY & TOMORROW

ACADEMICS: Schools-Within-a-School Online Application Available
If you are a rising 9th or 10th grader and interested in applying to School for the Arts (SFA), AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) program, CAT (Carolina Alliance for Technology) program, or a combination of any two of these programs, please click on the image to access the Application Process page. You will find the application and any other forms you will need to apply for one or two of these programs. The application process will close on March 16th at 12:00 midnight. More important dates can be found on the SWS website. Click the image to access the site.
Monday, February 19, 2018

Monday, February 19
- Lunch: Black History Month: Meet the Greeks - Main Hall
- 6:00 PM: Girls Lacrosse vs Irmo
Tuesday, February 20
- 5:00 PM: Varsity Softball @ SVH (scrimmage)
- 5:30 PM: Baseball @ Crestwood
- 5:45 PM: Varsity Boys Soccer @ White Knoll (scrimmage)
- 6:00 PM: Girls Soccer @ Chester (scrimmage)
- 6:00 PM: Spring Magnet Parent Mtg in Multipurpose Room
Thursday, February 22
- Clafin Univ & SC State College Tour
- 5:00 PM: Health Magnet Senior Presentations - Multipurpose Room & M Hall Classrooms
- 6:00 PM: Girls Lacrosse vs J.L. Mann
- 6:00 PM: Orchestra Chili Cook-off - Cafeteria
Friday, January 26
- 5:30 PM: JV Boys Soccer @ Camden (scrimmage)
- 6:00 PM: Girls Soccer vs White Knoll (scrimmage)
- 7:00 PM: Varsity Boys Soccer @ Camden (scrimmage)
Saturday, January 27
- 2:00 PM: Baseball @ Irmo
- 6:00 PM: Mr. & Miss Ridge View Pageant - Auditorium
College: ACT Science Workshop
Science Section of the ACT?
Then join Ms. Cannon, Ms. Moore and Ms. Pierce for an
Saturday, February 24th
Coffee and Donuts will be served!
COLLEGE: Campus Tour - Clafin & SC State University, Feb 22
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Monday, February 19th Is a Make-Up Day
Monday, February 19, 2018: Make-Up Day
Richland Two will have school on Monday to make up the day of school missed on January 17, 2018.
Showcasing Community, Character, Joy, and Learning
Telling our story of:
- Community - Black History Month Sunday's Best Dress day
- Joy and Character: January Subs for Sub perfect attendance celebration, &
- Learning: Professional development on Trauma with Brent Jerome, District Intervention Specialist.
ARTS: 1st Blazer Selected for ACDA Southern Division Honor Choir
In October, over a thousand students submitted an audition in hopes of earning a place in the ACDA Southern Division Honor Choir. This is the first year that Ridge View has sent any auditions for this choir. Sophomore Byron Latimore, a School for the Arts and CAT student, was selected to participate in this Honor Choir based on his audition!! Latimore will travel to Louisville, KY Feb. 21st - 24th to participate in this event! Congratulations on a job well done. Way to show that Ridge View is the premier school PERIOD.
CAREERS: RSD2 Summer Jobs Available for 30 Blazers, Feb 19, 20, & 21
The district is hosting a job fair for Richland Two students on March 3, 2018. The purpose is to assist students in finding summer employment. There are only 30 slots available for Ridge View students. Students will have to present their resume and their elevator pitch. The best 30 students will be awarded slots. Ms. Barnes, RV Career Development Facilitator, will select students during lunch on February 19th, 20th, and 21st. Students who receive a slot will be notified by email. Students can email Ms. Barnes to select a day to present their elevator pitch. Any student who needs information on how to do an elevator pitch should look it up on youtube.
ARTS: Blazer Choir Participates in Arts Advocacy Day 2018
On Tuesday, February 6th, over 350 choir students from each of the Richland District 2 high schools and middle schools participated in the the SC Arts Alliance-Arts Advocacy Day at the State House. It was a fantastic day of singing; and the students got to meet some of our representatives.
Saturday, February 17, 2018
COMMUNITY: PTSO President Lawrence Recognized for Black History Month
Our own PTSO President, Mr. Anthony Lawrence has been selected by Richland School District Two for recognition during their 2018 Black History Month celebration. This year, they sought nominations of employees, graduates, or community members who have contributed to black history and culture in the areas of Art and Music; Education and Military; Health and Science; and Technology and Engineering. Their goal is to shine light on Richland Two partners who, through their work and volunteerism, are making a difference for our families, schools, and communities.
Mr. Lawrence is representing the nominees in the category of Technology and Engineering. He will be featured on the district’s website during the week of February 26-28 and in other district media outlets during Black History Month. We are very excited for him and that he is being acknowledge by the district for the great work he is doing for the community and how he has made a difference in the lives of many.
ACADEMICS: Scholarships Now Available on RSD2 Website
Looking for scholarships? Richland District 2 has now posted some on their website. Want to check them out? Just click on the image or follow the steps below. Each scholarship is linked to the application making it easier for you to download.
- Go to richland2.org
- Click on EXPLORE
- Click on.... I am a......Student or Parent
- Click on Scholarships.
ALUMNI: Ridge View Graduate Is Making History
Ebony Green is a Ridge View graduate who is now an educator in Elmwood Village Charter School in Buffalo, NY. She is also the CEO of Business and Books, LLC, a 2013 law school graduate. She has obtained her Bachelor's degree in English, a Master's degree in Education, and two Juris Doctor degrees. Green is currently a 5th grade teacher at Elmwood Village and the school's liaison for educational policy. She is doing much in Buffalo and at Elmwood Village. To read more about her accomplishments and goals for education and her students, click on the image.
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