"Cominghome: Lights, Camera, Action" hosted by the Senior Class will start on Monday! Contestants will be raising money to support the National Honor Society's Mini Dance Marathon and Senior Week Activities. Please support your contestant by attending lunch activities and donating to them!
Friday, January 31, 2020
TONIGHT, Jan 31st, District Honors Orchestra Concert
Featuring electric violinist and recording artist Joe Deninzon
his original songs and arrangements of popular songs
from The Beatles, Queen, and Pink Floyd.
ACTIVITIES: Prom Ticket Cost Increases on Monday!
Prom tickets are currently on sale for our Ridge View’s 2020 Prom, “Masquerade,” on Saturday, April 25th! You can purchase prom tickets at Ridge View in the front office and through ParentPortal (using the parent's account). If purchasing tickets in person, you must complete the reservation form before paying for your tickets. Students may reserve prom tickets every Thursday during lunch across from the book room and with Ms. Bovidge in A-04 after school.
Ticket sales are limited to two per student and are only available to 11th and 12th grade students. If you are purchasing tickets through ParentPortal, there is a link to a Google form available when you purchase tickets that must be completed before paying for the tickets. This form asks for information such as your student ID number, advisory teacher, and so on. You must also agree to follow the prom dress code found here. If you are purchasing more than one ticket, you will also need to answer several questions about the date you plan to bring to prom.
You may bring a date that attends Ridge View High School regardless of that person’s grade level. You may also bring a date that does not attend Ridge View. The maximum age for dates is 21 at the time of prom. If you are bringing a date to prom, the last day to provide the required information about your date is April 1st. After that time, you may not bring an unauthorized date to this event.
Tickets are $45 each through February 2nd. Prices increase to $55 on February 3rd, $65 on March 2nd, $75 on April 1st and $115 on April 21st.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Fennell at pfennell@richland2.org or Ms. Bovidge at abovidge@richland2.org.
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Don't Miss Our FB/Twitter Live Magnet Q&A Session, TODAY @ 11 AM
Ridge View wants to make sure you are in the know! We will host a Facebook (RVHSBlazers) & Twitter (@rvhs) Live event through our pages on Thursday, January 30 at 11 AM to answer any questions you might have about the process. In the meantime, feel free to drop your questions to #RVMagnetQA or email nwalker@richland2.org.
Magnet Application Deadline: Friday, January 31st at 5:00 PM
Submit online at https://webapps.richland2.org/choice/
Richland Two's Premier 100 Conference March 28th
In November, Dr. Davis announced the launch of the Premier 100 Initiative, which seeks to strategically recruit and retain 100 minority male teachers in Richland 2 over the next three years. Nationally, African-American males comprise less than 2% of the teaching workforce, and our district is working to be a leader in diversifying our teaching workforce.
As part of that effort, the district will be hosting the inaugural Premier 100 Conference March 28th at the R2i2 Conference Center. This conference is open to both aspiring and current educators, and while the focus of the conference will be centered on supporting the work of male educators of color, the topics addressed will support the professional learning of all teachers.
For more information and to register, click the image.
Join the Free SAT Practice Movement
It's SAT Practice Kickoff Week, and they are celebrating the more than 10 million students who've tried Official SAT Practice on Khan Academy. Sign up for Official SAT Practice and send your PSAT/NMSQT scores to Khan Academy.
After sharing PSAT scores, students' Official SAT Practice experience will be completely customized to their strengths and weaknesses. All it takes is a few steps to link their College Board and Khan Academy accounts while signing up. Click the image to learn how to link student accounts.
ACTIVITIES: Mr. & Miss Ridge View Pageant
The Mr. & Miss Ridge View Pageant was held last Saturday! Twelve students competed to be crowned and it was a spectacular event. Congratulations to Tyson Brown (Mr. Ridge View, Mr. Congeniality), Paris Mundy (Miss Ridge View, Grand Talent winner), Zodelva Travis (Miss Senior), Isis Trapp (Miss Sophomore), Kaloni Gedeon (Miss Freshman), Destiny Thomas (Miss Congeniality), Trenton Love (Scholarship Royale), and Destiney Williams (Partnership Royale).
Bynes Scholarship Now Accepting Applications Until Feb 6th
The Byrnes Foundation is offering $3,250 scholarships that are also renewable annually for as many as four years if the student is making satisfactory progress towards a degree. In addition to the cash awards, recipients receive a summer luncheon, fall dinners, and a weekend retreat at Garden City Beach, SC, in the spring. There are usually about 25 Byrnes Scholars attending the college of their choice during a given year.
Eligibility requirements are:
- The applicant must have lost one or both parents by death.
- Be a South Carolina resident and a United States citizen.
- Be a current Senior in High School.
- Plan to pursue a bachelor’s degree at an accredited four-year college or university as a freshman.
- Have a financial need and a satisfactory scholastic record.
- It is important that excellence in character, ability, and enterprise be shown to indicate that the individual will make worthwhile contributions to society.
Click on the image to download the application package.
Student Leaders Program App Due TOMORROW Jan 31st
Do you have what it takes to be a Bank of America Student Leader?
Are you are a junior or senior in high school with a
passion for improving your community?
If so Bank of American wants to help you turn that passion into action.
As a Student Leader, you will participate in an eight‐week paid internship at a local nonprofit organization where you will learn first‐hand about the needs of your community and the critical role nonprofits play. In addition, you will learn valuable civic, social and business leadership skills. Also, each Student Leader will attend the Student Leader Summit held in Washington, D.C. where you will explore how government, business, and nonprofit sector work to address critical community needs.
To become a Student Leader, you must:
- Be a junior or senior in high school
- Be able to participate in an 8‐week paid internship at a local nonprofit/charitable
- organization and work 35 hours a week
- Be legally authorized to work in the US without sponsorship through the end of September 2020
- Be able to participate in a week‐long Student Leadership Summit in Washington, DC July 13-18, 2020 (All expenses paid by Bank of America)
- Be a student in good standing at your school
- Obtain a letter of recommendation from a teacher, guidance counselor, or school administrator.
For more information, click the image.
Click here to apply for the Student Leaders program.
Application Deadline: January 31, 2020
Wednesday, January 29, 2020
Social Media Live Q&A Sessions About Magnet Applications, Jan 30th
Ridge View wants to make sure you are in the know! We will host a Facebook (RVHSBlazers) & Twitter (@rvhs) Live event through our pages on Thursday, January 30 at 11 AM to answer any questions you might have about the process. In the meantime, feel free to drop your questions to #RVMagnetQA or email nwalker@richland2.org.
Magnet Application Deadline: Friday, January 31st at 5:00 PM
Submit online at https://webapps.richland2.org/choice/
CAT Celebrates National Mentoring Month, Jan 29-31
Thank you Carolina Alliance for Technology Mentors!
We appreciate all the guidance you provide our CAT students!
Class of 2020 Group Picture, February 5th
On Wednesday, February 5th, Seniors will take their group picture during Advisory in the large gym. If you would like to purchase the group picture for $15, pick up an order form from your Advisory teacher. All order forms and the $15 picture cost are due February 5th.
Pictures can also be ordered online at www.strawbridge.net. Follow the online instructions and enter the code FM338093.
For more information, please contact Mrs. High-Washington in room C-63.
District Honors Orchestra Concert featuring Joe Deninzon, Jan 31
Featuring electric violinist and recording artist Joe Deninzon
his original songs and arrangements of popular songs
from The Beatles, Queen, and Pink Floyd.
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Spring ASVAB Registration Deadline Feb 7th
Our first ASVAB test of the Spring semester is scheduled for February 14, 2020, at 8:30 am. Students who are interested in testing should pick up a permission form from Ms. Barnes in the College and Career Center. Forms have to be turned in by the end of the day on February 7, 2020.
If you have any questions, contact Ms. Barnes at arbarnes@richland2.org or at 803-699-2999 ext. 84226.
Marine Corps Scholarship Now Available, Deadline March 3rd
Application Deadline: March 3, 2020.
Click on the image to apply
The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation provides scholarships to the children of Marines and Navy Corpsmen attending post-high school, undergraduate, and career technical education programs. The foundation is the nation's oldest and largest provider of need-based scholarships to military families, and their mission is to provide scholarship support to every eligible child of a Marine or Navy Corpsmen. In the 2019-20 academic year alone, they awarded over $8.2 million to more than 2,360 students and will provide a similar level of support in the 2020-21 academic year.
Their scholarships are for students currently pursuing, or planning to pursue, an undergraduate degree or career-focused program. Scholarship awards are need-based, and every eligible applicant receives a scholarship.
Reminder: Spring Open House, Feb 4th
A Day in the Life of a Ridge View
Arts Innovation for Medical Sciences Magnet Student
Spring Open House
February 4th, 5:15 - 6:30 PM
A showcase to highlight the innovative work that is taking place in the classroom and the accomplishments our students have made.
Monday, January 27, 2020
2nd Senester R2i2 Reminders
R2i2 is part of Richland School District Two and is governed by the same policies. Please take a moment and review the Rules & Expectations Powerpoint and sign the Acknowledgment form. Both were sent to you in a separate email. Also, be sure to review the reminders listed below.
- Please check your email DAILY.
- Visit the LINK for our 2019-20 "Bell" Schedule. R2i2 begins their instructional day at 8:20 a.m. and Late Start Wednesdays at 8:30 a.m.
- Morning shuttles depart R2i2 every day except Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. and Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m.
- Mid-day shuttles depart your home-school 15 minutes after the lunch bell rings (i.e. it does not arrive then, it departs at that time). ALWAYS check this LINK for any changes or updates to shuttles which may result from changes in your home-school's bell schedule.
- The R2i2 shuttle picks up and drops off in the bus lot near the cafeteria.
- Afternoon students are encouraged to quickly pick up lunch in the Ridge View cafeteria. Be sure to identify yourself as an R2i2 student so that you can get in the front of the line. You may eat your lunch aboard the shuttle or you may do so once you arrive on R2i2 campus. R2i2 does not serve lunch but there are some snack options for purchase when you arrive.
- When you arrive at R2i2 you are to promptly enter the building: shuttle riders on the library side (proceed through the hallway around the reception area and to your left for the student center doors), drivers use the student parking lot on the right side (when you are facing the building) marked STUDENTS.
- Please have your school IDs properly displayed.

- 5:30 pm -- JV Girls Basketball vs Lugoff Elgin
- 6:45 pm -- B-Team Boys Basketball vs Lugoff Elgin
- 8 pm -- JV Boys Basketball vs Lugoff Elgin
- 6 pm -- Wrestling @ Richland Northeast
- 6 pm -- Boys Soccer Parent Meeting - Cafeteria
- 6 pm -- Wrestling @ Blythewood
- 5 pm -- B-Team Boys Basketball vs South Pointe - Small Gym
- 5 pm -- JV Girls Basketball vs South Pointe - Main Gym
- 6:30 pm -- JV Boys Basketball vs South Pointe - Small Gym
- 6:30 pm -- Varsity Girls Basketball vs South Pointe - Main Gym
- 8 pm -- Varsity Boys Basketball vs South Pointe - Main Gym
- 8 am -- NMSI Student Study Session - AP Math/Comp Sci - Ridge View
- 9 am -- Wrestling @ Region Tournament - South Pointe
- Feb 3 -- Coming Home Week
- Feb 3 -- PTSO/SIC Meetings
- Feb 4 -- Spring Open House
- Feb 4 -- Class Ring Ceremony
- Feb 5 -- Early College Information Night
- Feb 11 -- Blood Drive
- Feb 12 -- Claflin & SC State Tour
Sophomore, Leila Engelhardt Publishes Her 2nd Book
BioHealth Magnet Sophomore, Leila Engelhardt, has self-published her second book titled, Thoughts. Feelings. Emotions. She attributes publishing this book to our Principal Dr. Brenda Mack-Foxworth and Superintendent, Dr. Baron Davis. According to Leila, "Both of them provided her "with a great education system that works to challenge [her] and make [her] more than ready for college." In an email, she thanked them for making her educational environment better, appreciated all they do at Ridge View and in the district, and hope they knew that they are more amazing than they realize.
Last year, she published my first book, Falling From the Sky, but was too bashful to celebrate this accomplishment with anyone other than her family. In the end, she received a lot of positive feedback from a lot of people around the world, including a person from England. From that experience, she learned that no matter what she should share her accomplishments with others. We are so proud of Leila and can't wait to hear about her 3rd book.
Richland 2 District Honors Orchestras Perform January 31st
Featuring electric violinist and recording artist Joe Deninzon
his original songs and arrangements of popular songs
from The Beatles, Queen, and Pink Floyd.
ACTIVITIES: Last Week to Purchase Prom Tickets for $45
Prom tickets are currently on sale for our Ridge View’s 2020 Prom, “Masquerade,” on Saturday, April 25th! You can purchase prom tickets at Ridge View in the front office and through ParentPortal (using the parent's account). If purchasing tickets in person, you must complete the reservation form before paying for your tickets. Students may reserve prom tickets every Thursday during lunch across from the book room and with Ms. Bovidge in A-04 after school.
Ticket sales are limited to two per student and are only available to 11th and 12th grade students. If you are purchasing tickets through ParentPortal, there is a link to a Google form available when you purchase tickets that must be completed before paying for the tickets. This form asks for information such as your student ID number, advisory teacher, and so on. You must also agree to follow the prom dress code found here. If you are purchasing more than one ticket, you will also need to answer several questions about the date you plan to bring to prom.
You may bring a date that attends Ridge View High School regardless of that person’s grade level. You may also bring a date that does not attend Ridge View. The maximum age for dates is 21 at the time of prom. If you are bringing a date to prom, the last day to provide the required information about your date is April 1st. After that time, you may not bring an unauthorized date to this event.
Tickets are $45 each through February 2nd. Prices increase to $55 on February 3rd, $65 on March 2nd, $75 on April 1st and $115 on April 21st.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Fennell at pfennell@richland2.org or Ms. Bovidge at abovidge@richland2.org.
REMINDER: Off-Campus Lunch Application Due Friday, March 7th
Parents or guardians, would you like your Junior to go off campus for lunch? If so, please review the flyer below and help your child complete the attached application. Applications can also be found in the Main Office or Counseling Office. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. McKenny, our Discipline Secretary, by email (smckenny@richland2.org) or by phone (803.699.2999 ext. 84233). If your child returns a completed application and qualifies for off-campus lunch privileges, Mrs. McKenny will call you to verify the approval.
Click the flyer to download & print the application.
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation, Deadline March 3rd
Application Deadline: March 3, 2020.
Click on the image to apply
The Marine Corps Scholarship Foundation provides scholarships to the children of Marines and Navy Corpsmen attending post-high school, undergraduate, and career technical education programs. The foundation is the nation's oldest and largest provider of need-based scholarships to military families, and their mission is to provide scholarship support to every eligible child of a Marine or Navy Corpsmen. In the 2019-20 academic year alone, they awarded over $8.2 million to more than 2,360 students and will provide a similar level of support in the 2020-21 academic year.
Their scholarships are for students currently pursuing, or planning to pursue, an undergraduate degree or career-focused program. Scholarship awards are need-based, and every eligible applicant receives a scholarship.
Friday, January 24, 2020
Are You Interested in Working at the RV Tech.B@r?
The RV Tech.B@r Squad is made up of students who are responsible, trustworthy, and interested in getting involved in our school and helping others.
You need to be available to work at the Tech.B@r for a shift of 30 minutes before school starts, at lunch, AND/OR after school for 15 minutes at least once a week. If you work during lunch, you may bring your lunch with you to the Tech.B@r to eat. If you have an assigned study hall, we can discuss the possibility of working at the Tech.B@r as part of Lead, Learn & Serve during your assigned study hall period.
Also, did you know that Tech.B@r students who are sophomores or juniors with a driver's license and their own transportation are eligible to apply for PAID internships with the Richland Two Technology Department during the summer? Tech.B@r volunteering also looks GREAT on your job and college applications and Mrs. Hunter can provide a reference for you!
Interested? Click the image to complete the online application.
Calling Junior & Senior Student Leaders?
Do you have what it takes to be a Bank of America Student Leader?
Are you are a junior or senior in high school with a
passion for improving your community?
If so Bank of American wants to help you turn that passion into action.
As a Student Leader, you will participate in an eight‐week paid internship at a local nonprofit organization where you will learn first‐hand about the needs of your community and the critical role nonprofits play. In addition, you will learn valuable civic, social and business leadership skills. Also, each Student Leader will attend the Student Leader Summit held in Washington, D.C. where you will explore how government, business, and nonprofit sector work to address critical community needs.
To become a Student Leader, you must:
- Be a junior or senior in high school
- Be able to participate in an 8‐week paid internship at a local nonprofit/charitable
- organization and work 35 hours a week
- Be legally authorized to work in the US without sponsorship through the end of September 2020
- Be able to participate in a week‐long Student Leadership Summit in Washington, DC July 13-18, 2020 (All expenses paid by Bank of America)
- Be a student in good standing at your school
- Obtain a letter of recommendation from a teacher, guidance counselor, or school administrator.
For more information, click the image.
Click here to apply for the Student Leaders program.
Application Deadline: January 31, 2020
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Byrnes Foundation Offering $3,250 Scholarships, Deadline Feb 6th
The Byrnes Foundation is offering $3,250 scholarships that are also renewable annually for as many as four years if the student is making satisfactory progress towards a degree. In addition to the cash awards, recipients receive a summer luncheon, fall dinners, and a weekend retreat at Garden City Beach, SC, in the spring. There are usually about 25 Byrnes Scholars attending the college of their choice during a given year.
Eligibility requirements are:
- The applicant must have lost one or both parents by death.
- Be a South Carolina resident and a United States citizen.
- Be a current Senior in High School.
- Plan to pursue a bachelor’s degree at an accredited four-year college or university as a freshman.
- Have a financial need and a satisfactory scholastic record.
- It is important that excellence in character, ability, and enterprise be shown to indicate that the individual will make worthwhile contributions to society.
Click on the image to download the application package.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Graduation Is In 5 Months, Have You Paid Your Fees
Attention: Seniors Graduation is quickly approaching. To attend this event your fees have to be paid and all books from the previous school years and this semester must be turned in. Please turn books into the Main Office so any book fees can be removed from your student account.
ACADEMICS: Teacher Cadet Heads to 2nd Round of Teaching Fellows Scholarship
Samantha Kullman, a Ridge View Teacher Cadet, made it to the second round, which is the interview session, of the Teaching Fellows Scholarship. The mission of the South Carolina Teaching Fellows Program is to recruit talented high school seniors into the teaching profession and help them develop leadership qualities. Each year, the program provides Fellowships for up to 200 high school seniors who have exhibited high academic achievement, a history of service to their school and community, and a desire to teach in South Carolina. These students will receive up to $24,000 in fellowship funds (up to $6,000 a year for four years) while they complete a degree leading to teacher licensure. Congratulations Samantha on your accomplishments and wishing good luck with your interview.
ACTIVITIES: Jostens Returns Tomorrow!!

Tuesday, January 21, 2020
ACTIVITIES: Prom Tickets on Sale!!
Prom tickets are currently on sale for our Ridge View’s 2020 Prom, “Masquerade,” on Saturday, April 25th! You can purchase prom tickets at Ridge View in the front office and through ParentPortal (using the parent's account). If purchasing tickets in person, you must complete the reservation form before paying for your tickets. Students may reserve prom tickets every Thursday during lunch across from the book room and with Ms. Bovidge in A-04 after school.
Ticket sales are limited to two per student and are only available to 11th and 12th grade students. If you are purchasing tickets through ParentPortal, there is a link to a Google form available when you purchase tickets that must be completed before paying for the tickets. This form asks for information such as your student ID number, advisory teacher, and so on. You must also agree to follow the prom dress code found here. If you are purchasing more than one ticket, you will also need to answer several questions about the date you plan to bring to prom.
You may bring a date that attends Ridge View High School regardless of that person’s grade level. You may also bring a date that does not attend Ridge View. The maximum age for dates is 21 at the time of prom. If you are bringing a date to prom, the last day to provide the required information about your date is April 1st. After that time, you may not bring an unauthorized date to this event.
Tickets are $45 each through February 2nd. Prices increase to $55 on February 3rd, $65 on March 2nd, $75 on April 1st and $115 on April 21st.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Fennell at pfennell@richland2.org or Ms. Bovidge at abovidge@richland2.org.
Bell Schedule for TODAY, Jan 21st
Students will report to Advisory at 8:30 AM today. In Advisory, students will receive their 2nd semester schedules and important links from the Counseling Department.
ACADEMICS: Scholars Magnet Sophomore is NASA Contest Semifinalist
Congratulations to Scholars Academy Magnet for Business and Law sophomore Jada Broome, who this week was named a semifinalist in NASA’s Name the Mars Rover contest. NASA will launch their latest mission of exploration in July 2020, and offered students K-12 the chance to choose a name and explain why it was fitting. From thousands of entries, Jada’s entry was awarded this designation as she chose the name Amica, which means friend in Latin, because of the potential life-sustaining relationship Mars may offer us. The next round of judging will be announced next week. Good luck Jada! We are so proud of you! To read Jada's essay, click on her picture.
SAVE THE DATE: Spring Open House Gets A New Look, , Feb 4th
A Day in the Life of a Ridge View
Arts Innovation for Medical Sciences Magnet Student
Spring Open House
February 4th, 5:15 - 6:30 PM
A showcase to highlight the innovative work that is taking place in the classroom and the accomplishments our students have made.
Monday, January 20, 2020
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