Community Outreach Event Wednesday, Sept 9th 11:30 - 12:30 Birch Park Virtual Open House Sept 15th 4-5:15 PM ON Campus SAT Test September 23rd 5

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Amelia Sends Thanks to Ridge View

A letter of thanks from Coach John Combs:

Dear Ridge View Family,

On Tuesday morning, Amelia and her mother, Samantha Attaway, visited The View to deliver a thank you note and a poster of pictures from their visit to the American Girl Store. Amelia and their whole family are extremely grateful and deeply appreciative of the support of the Ridge View High School family has given their family.

Thank you to all the faculty, staff, and students who "branched out" to support Amelia and her family! There is no question that TOGETHER we made a huge positive difference!

Amelia is continuing to battle/fight her tumor with a bravery and courage that is usually seen in our honorable adult military service men/women, but she is doing this as a 2nd grader! Truly inspiring! Seeing Amelia's infectious smile this morning was heartwarming and my day better. We are asking you to please continue to send your positive thoughts and prayers for Amelia and her family.

Best wishes,
Coach John Combs