Community Outreach Event Wednesday, Sept 9th 11:30 - 12:30 Birch Park Virtual Open House Sept 15th 4-5:15 PM ON Campus SAT Test September 23rd 5

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Changes in the Discipline Plan

To better serve the needs of RV Blazers, some adjustments were made to specific discipline and behavioral policies.  These changes will be effective immediately

  1. Restrooms, locker rooms, and changing areas are "No Use Zones" for cellphones and other electronic communication devices (ECDs).  Consequences range from confiscation of device (with return to parent) to a recommendation for expulsion, depending on severity and repetition.
  2. Certain areas of the campus have been designated as off limits at all times for students, unless they are accompanied by a faculty member.  Those areas were listed for the students in an email message from Ms. Ellis, the Student Activities Director, so please refer to your student's email account for a full list.
  3. Only students who have off-campus privilege may exit the building before dismissal, unless written permission from an administrator is granted or they are signed out by a parent.  Consequences range from Saturday Work Detail (3 hours) or a recommendation for expulsion, depending on severity or repetition.
  4. Chromebook (i.e. Thinkpads) devices must be carried in the provided case when moving between rooms in the school.  Additionally, Chromebooks are for educational use ONLY.  Any use that is not specifically related to an assignment from a teacher is inappropriate.  Consequences range from temporary confiscation of the device by faculty member or loss of device and computer network privileges.  Any use of the device or network to create, download, upload, store, or distribute contraband data, programs and apps, or audio, may result in a recommendation for expulsion.
The annual "Cans for Hours" drive, in association with the Winter Wishes service learning project, has begun.  Students who wish to redeem canned goods in exchange for a reduction in After School Detention (ASD) hours may do so by exchanging 3 canned goods for each hour of ASD.  Participation is optional.