Friday, February 28, 2014
ACADEMICS Spotlight: Honors/AP Parent Forum

ARTS Focus: Pagal to be RSD1 Guest Conductor
Phillip Pagal |
Ridge View is proud to announce that Phillip Pagal, Orchestra Conductor will be a guest conductor for the Richland School District 1 District Orchestra. The performance will be at WJ Keenan High School Monday and Tuesday, March 3rd and 4th. The performance on Monday will start at 9:30 AM. There will be two performances on Tuesday at 1:30 PM and again at 6:00 PM. This is an amazing opportunity for one of our own to collaborate with another school district within the Midlands. Way to go Mr. Pagal!
ACADEMICS Spotlight: Teacher Cadet Application Now Open
The Teacher Cadet Program is now accepting applications from current sophomores and juniors interested in taking the class during the 2014-2015 school year. Teacher Cadet is an elective class in which the students gain valuable insight and hands-on experience as it relates to public education. The course carries an honors weighting, and upon successful completion, the student receives 3 hours of college credit awarded by Newberry College.
Click here for the Teacher Cadet Program application. Applications are due March 7th. If you have any questions or for more information, please feel free to contact the the Ridge View Teacher Cadet Instructor, Susanne Liggett by email at sliggett@richland2.org.
ACADEMICS Spotlight: Blazer Academy PRIDE Meeting
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(Left ) Mrs. Peterson w/ Student of the Month Breanna Davis (Right) Mrs. Peterson w/ January Student of the Month Jared Carter |
Thursday, February 27, 2014
ACTIVITIES Bulletin: Mock Trial Team Competition Results
Our Mock Trial Team competed Saturday, February 22nd at the Midlands Regional High School Mock Trial Competition. Along with this competition there were other regional competitions in Greenville, Charleston, and Conway with a total of 56 teams competing to enter at the state level. The RVHS team competed against 16 teams from the Midlands area near the Lexington County Judicial Center. The team did well with the students below walking away with the following awards:
Most Effective Attorney: E'Jaya Bell and Sharese Salters
Most Effective Witness: Rayshaun Praylow, Colin English, and Kiana Sweatt
ACADEMIC Spotlight: Cell Membranes & Soap Bubbles
Students in Dr. Degenhardts's Biology 1 class conducted an inquiry-based laboratory investigation into the properties of biological cell membranes. The objective of the experiment was to learn about the structure of the cell membranes, and how they function to maintain homeostasis in living organisms. Students used a soap-based solution to study the chemical structure of membranes. They also simulated the transport of molecules into and out of cells through vesicles and protein channels. And then...they made some really impressive soap bubbles.
ACADEMICS Spotlight: Target Grant Aids In Myrtle Beach Trip
Recently, Mrs. Janice Rice-Kafafy's class received a $700 grant from Target Field Trips. This grant will allow students the opportunity to travel to Myrtle Beach on April 11th, an experience that many of them have never had. During this field study, they will enjoy a show about South Carolina Pirates, eat a feast prepared for pirates in the past, and meet the animals in the show. And they can't leave without doing a little shopping and dipping their toes in the salt water.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
HIRE Students Collecting Goods for Animal Shelter
ACADEMICS Spotlight: HOSA Prepares for State Competition
ARTS Focus: USAF's Blue Aces Band to Play at The View
The U.S. Air Force's Blue Aces Band will be performing in the RV auditorium on Monday, March 3rd. There will be two performances, one during 6th period and one during 7th period. You can see a sample of the Blue Aces performing by clicking on the image.
ARTS Focus: Dance Ensemble Performs with S.C. Philharmonic
The RV Dance Ensemble performed with the S.C. Philharmonic as part of an educational program called Link Up at the Koger Center. Over 7,000 students from all over the state were in attendance for this spectacular performance. Our dancers were well received by the Philharmonic, and earned many compliments about their energetic performance and what it added to the show as well as their backstage demeanor. To read more about their performance, click here.
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
U.S. Services Academies Night Tomorrow
The College and Career Center is holding an workshop on the United States Service Academies offered at Ridge View High School. This session will be held in the Media Center on Wednesday, February 26th beginning at 6:30 PM. Representatives and information will be available for all 9th - 11th grade students and families. We look forward to seeing you there.
Open House Tonight
Tonight, you will be able to meet any new teachers your student may have for 2nd semester or check up on the year-long classes. But for the Spring we have more available to you. In the Auditorium, the Guidance Department will distribute PSAT scores as well as hold a workshop to help you understand what the scores mean. And Mrs. Cheryl Hunter, our Instructional Technology Specialist, will present Chromebook 101 in the Media Center. To get more information on the Open House schedule and parking, please click here.
REMINDER: Distracted Driver Contests Deadline Tomorrow
The Distracted Driving Essay and Poster Contest deadline is tomorrow, Wednesday, February 26th by 4pm. Each contest will have prizes of $150, $100 and $50 for the top 3 students. Here are the RULES for the essay contest, and the RULES for the poster contest. Essays should be submitted to your English teacher, or to Ms. Hitchings in A17. Posters should be submitted electronically or in person to Mr. Nostrant (cnostrant@richland2.org) in room Art 2.
Reserve Your Seat: Military Parent Education Conference
The Military Child Education Coalition and Fort Jackson CYSS is hosting a Parent Education Conference Tuesday, March 25th at Sandlapper Elementary from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. These workshops focus on empowering parents to be their child's strongest advocate on educational and social issues. There will be two workshops - one on school transitions and what parents must know and the other focuses on mapping out an academic plan for your student. If you are interested in this conference, please click on the image to the left. You can also contact Dr. Keisha McCoy Wilson or Ms. Ann Gordon, Army School Liaison by email (usarmy.jackson.imcom-fmwrc.mbx.schoolliaison@mail.mil) to reserve your seat today.
Monday, February 24, 2014
Honor Roll Pizza Lunch

Tonight, a ConnectEd phone call will be sent out. You will need to use your phone keypad to RSVP if you will be attending or not so that the Ridge View staff can plan accordingly.
ATHLETICS Highlight: Athletics Schedule for the Week

ACADEMICS Spotlight: Fakoury Named National Merit Finalist
Help us congratulate Jordan Fakoury. She was selected as a National Merit Finalist. The National Merit Program recognizes the country's brightest students. She was selected from a group of semifinalists based on her accomplishments, skills, and academic abilities. Jordan will compete with other finalists around the nation for one of 2,500 National Merit scholarships. Congratulations, Jordan. You have definitely proven that we have AWESOME students AT THE VIEW!!!
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Jordan Fakoury and Principal Brenda Mack-Foxworth |
Open House Tomorrow Night!
Tomorrow you will be able to meet any new teachers your student may have for 2nd semester or check up on the year-long classes. But for the Spring we have more available to you. In the Auditorium, the Guidance Department will distribute PSAT scores as well as hold a workshop to help you understand what the scores mean. And Mrs. Cheryl Hunter, our Instructional Technology Specialist, will present Chromebook 101 in the Media Center. To get more information on the Open House schedule and parking, please click here.
ACADEMICS Spotlight: Second Quarter Honor Roll in The State
Congratulations to all of our Second Quarter Honor Roll students. Honor Rolls can be viewed in The State newspaper. Click on the image to view the Honor Rolls.
REMINDER: Red Cross Blood Drive Tomorrow

Students must be at least 16 to donate, but 16 year old students need parent permission. Students can sign up outside of Student Activities or by using the following Sign Up Link.
Sunday, February 23, 2014
College and Career Center News
Here is what is going on in the College and Career Center this week:
- Monday, February 24: USC Aiken in D-95 @ 10:00 am
- Tuesday, February 25: Navy recruiter in the Main Hall during lunch
- Wednesday, February 26: College Shirt Day, and U.S. Service Academy Night in the Media Center @ 6:30 pm for 9th - 11th grade students and families. Come get information on how to go to college for FREE!!
- Thursday, February 27: Mrs. Seay Lunch Chat in D-95 with Auburn University.

ACTIVITIES Bulletin: Teens for Jeans Deadline Extended

We would also like to remind everyone that students can clear one hour of after school detention by donating one pair of jeans. Also, if you donate, a coupon for 25% off your next pair of Aeropostale jeans is available.
Distracted Driver Essay Deadline is February 26th

Your essay could be worth $150! The winning entries will be awarded Visa gift cards in the following amounts: 1st Place - $150, 2nd Place - $100, and 3rd Place - $50. To find out more about the essay, click here.
Distracted Driver Poster Deadline is February 26th
Distracted Driver Poster Contest deadline is Wednesday, February 26th by 4 pm. All submissions must be submitted electronically or in person to Mr. Nostrant (cnostrant@richland2.org) in the Art Department.
Your poster could be worth $150! The winning entries will be awarded Visa gift cards in the following amounts: 1st Place - $150, 2nd Place - $100, or 3rd Place - $50.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
ACADEMIC Spotlight: BioHealth Awarded Grant from SC PLTW
Ridge View's Freshmen BioHealth Magent students participted in the Pumkin Chunkin' contest at USC sponsored by the Theta Tau Engineering Fraternity this fall. Students designed, built and tested a trebuchet that launched a two pound pumpkin. Recently, as part of a grant awarded to South Carolina Project Lead the Way (PLTW), the BioHealth Magnet Program was awarded $200 for its participation in the contest.
REMINDER: Tuesday's Blood Drive
This is a reminder that Ridge View will have our second blood drive of the year in the multipurpose room. Please consider donating blood. According to the Red Cross, they are currently struggling to meet the needs of the community because of the recent weather.
Students must be at least 16 to donate, but 16 year old students need parent permission. Students can sign up outside of Student Activities or by using the following Sign Up Link.
REMINDER: Create It Discovery Day
Are you curious about careers in Information Technology? On Saturday, March 1, 2014 IT-ology and the University of South Carolina will sponsor Create It Discovery Day. Students will tour the University of South Carolina, participate in panel discussions with IT professionals, explore IT majors with USC students, and participate in hands-on technology activities. This event is FREE to all 9th through 11th grade students, but registration is required. If you are interested, please click on the image above to view the flyer. Students can register for this exciting event at https://createit.eventbrite.com.
Friday, February 21, 2014
Distracted Driving Essay and Poster Contest

Next week is Distracted Driving Awareness Week. We are holding an essay contest sponsored by AAA Carolina's and a poster contest sponsored by 911 Driving School. Each contest will have prizes of $150, $100 and $50 for the top 3 students. All 10th grade English students will be doing the essay contest in class, however, the contest is OPEN to all students. Here are the RULES for the essay contest. Art teachers will announce the poster contest and offer extra credit, but that contest is also OPEN to all students. Here are the RULES for the poster contest.
ACTIVITIES Bulletin: Red Cross Blood Drive

On Tuesday, February 25th, the View will have our second blood drive of the year in the multipurpose room. Please consider donating blood. According to the Red Cross, they are currently struggling to meet the needs of the community because of the recent weather.
Students must be at least 16 to donate, but 16 year old students need parent permission. Students can sign up outside of Student Activities or by using the following Sign Up Link.
ALUMNI News: Jenkins Commits to Grace College

Former Blazer basketball standout Marion Jenkins has committed to play for Grace College in Indiana. Marion was a key member of our 2010-2011 team that finished 20 - 8, won the 4A Lower State Championship before losing to Irmo in the State Championship Game. Congratulations Marion! We hope you have a successful time at Grace.
Thursday, February 20, 2014
ACTIVITIES Bulletin: Viewing Rifle Teams Progress
Planning on viewing our Blazer Ranger Rifle team shoot at their electronic targets live at the Army Air Rifle National Championship today through Saturday. Below is the link to access their targets beginning Thursday, February 2oth (Practice at 11:00 am), Friday, Feruary 21st (Match 1 9:00 - 11:00 am), and on Saturday, February 22nd (Match #2 9:00 am - 11:00 am). If one of our team members places in the top 8 individual shooters, they will compete in a Finals Match Shoot Off at 2:45 pm . The team will be shooting on Targets 6-10 (Relay A) on all three days. The website to view their live targets is http:www.thecmp.org/3P/Targets/AL.htm. Another post will be made tomorrow with some specifics on how to view and interpret the targets. Yo read more on the scoring and targets, click here.
Good luck Blazers!
REMINDER: CiCi's Pizza Night Tonight!
Out shopping? Don't feel like cooking? Come and enjoy dinner with the Ridge View School faculty, staff, and students TONIGHT, Thursday, February 20th from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM at CiCi's Pizza in The Village of Sandhills. 10% of your meal will be donated to Ridge View.
Doodle 4 Google Art Contest

Before there was an airplane, there were doodles of cool flying machines. And before there was a submarine, there were doodles of magical underwater sea explorers. Since the beginning of time, ideas big and small, practical and playful, have started out as doodles. And we're ready for more. One talented young artist (grades K-12) will see his or her artwork on the Google homepage and receive a $30,000 college scholarship and a $50,000 Google for Education technology grant for his or her school. Fifty state winners will be announced on April 29th.
See the Doodle 4 Google Get Started page for more information about dates, entry rules and more by clicking on the Google image.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
ATHLETICS Highlight: We're Going To The Playoffs
Congratulations go out to our varsity girls and boys basketball teams as they both advance South Carolina High School League AAAA State Play-offs that begin on Thursday (February 20). This is the boys 8th straight year and the girls 7th straight year making it to the AAAA state playoffs.
On Thursday, February 20th, our varsity boys basketball team will travel to North Augusta High School or Dutch Fork High School; and the girls will travel to Dutch Fork High School. The Girls Silver Foxes are the defending AAAA state champions. The girls game will start at 6 PM; and the boys will start at 7:30 PM. Tickets for the games will cost $6 per person.
ATHLETICS Highlight: Blazer Boys Tennis Begins This Week
Any Ridge View High School male student interested in playing playing tennis this spring should contact Coach John Combs via e-mail (jcombs@richland2.org) or stop by C-64 during the school day. More information can be found by going to: 2014 Ridge View High School Boys Tennis Information.
Ridge View boys tennis practice will start on February 21 (FRIDAY) at 4 PM. Before a student can participate in practice, we MUST have the following from each student:
1. Have the $25 Participation Fee paid and the receipt turned into Coach Combs or Coach David Gordon—RVHS Athletic Director.
2. A current physical (dated after April 2013) signed by a doctor along with the parent permission formed signed TO GET THIS FORM GO TO: Ridge View High School Physical Form
CiCi's Pizza Night on Thursday, February 20th
Out shopping? Don't feel like cooking? Come and enjoy dinner with the Ridge View School faculty, staff, and students Thursday, February 20th from 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM at CiCi's Pizza in The Village of Sandhills. 10% of your meal will be donated to Ridge View.
ALUMNI News: Harmon Makes Young Business Leaders List
Ridge View High graduate Kaela Harmon is featured in The State on Monday, February 17th as one of 2014 Twenty Under 40 South Carolina Young Business Leaders. Ms. Harmon is a Public Relations/Government Affairs Manager for the Columbia Metropolitan Airport. Scroll down to page E17 to read more about Kaela. The links is http://www.thestate.com/20under40/.
Way to go Kaela, the View is proud of YOU!
ACTIVITIES Bulletin: Rifle Team Travels to Nationals
At The View Daily would like to wish the Blazer Rangers Rifle team a safe journey and good luck as they leave today for the 2014 Army Air Rifle National Championship in Anniston, Alabama. The Blazers will be competing against the best Army JROTC shooting programs from U.S. public and Department of Defense programs from around the U.S., European and Pacific regions. This event will also determine who will represent the entire Army JROTC at Camp Perry, Ohion at the 2013-2014 All Services (Army, Air Force, Navy and Marines) JROTC National Championship in March. If you click on the image below on Thursday, February 20th, you can watch their electronic targets live as the cadets fire. Click here to read more about this competition.
Honor Roll Celebration Today, February 19th

Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Last Week for Teens for Jeans

We would also like to remind everyone that students can clear one hour of after school detention by donating one pair of jeans. Also, if you donate, a coupon for 25% off your next pair of Aeropostale jeans is available.
Honor Roll Celebration Scheduled for February 19th
RVHS Open House Next Tuesday
On Tuesday, February 25th, you will be able to meet any new teachers your student may have for 2nd semester or check up on the year-long classes. But for the Spring we have more available to you. In the Auditorium, the Guidance Department will distribute PSAT scores as well as hold a workshop to help you understand what the scores mean. And Mrs. Cheryl Hunter, our Instructional Technology Specialist, will present Chromebook 101 in the Media Center. To get more information on the Open House schedule and parking, please click here.
Monday, February 17, 2014
Blazer De'Aja Spain Succeeds With the Help of RCSD
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Arbitrator Melissa Hunter and De'Aja Spain |
Warren Bolton, associate editor of The State, recently wrote an article The right kind of diversion can keep youths out of trouble, help them succeed, which highlights the success of Ridge View Senior De'Aja Spain as a result of an arbitration program run by the Richland County Sheriff's Department. We encourage you to read the article. De'Aja, we are very proud of you!
ACADEMICS Spotlight: 20 Time English Projects
L-R: Jacinda Heo, Imbre Johnson (front), Madison Felschow (back), Kelsey Ballou, Darrell Goodwin, Shelby Carmichael, Bryce Patrick, Aisha Clay, Marion Brown, Tavaris Sims and Dru Chambers |
Mr. McMicken's class is doing the same each Friday this spring, working on a project of their passion which benefits either themselves, their school, their community, or others. The students went through a proposal process, had to find a community mentor specific to their field, and they have to keep up with weekly blog posts to track their progress. You can check on their progress using this link: http://mrmcmicken20time.blogspot.com/.
These students are doing some truly amazing things ranging from creating new medical equipment for the disabled to learning how to dunk a basketball. This project is exciting passion for learning, and is helping to improve the students' independent research skills, and life skills such as learning how to accept failure, speaking and listening, writing, collaboration, and working across content areas. A final showcase presentation of these 20 Time projects is tentatively schedule for early May and will be open to the public.
Sunday, February 16, 2014
USC College of Engineering and Computing Free Open House
As part of National Engineers Week, USC's College of Engineering and Computing (CEC) will be hosting an Open House on Saturday, February 22nd from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. at the Swearingen Engineering Center at 315 Main Street on the USC Columbia campus. This free event will feature dozens of interactive exhibits that highlight the CEC's programs and research including the following:
- A helicopter landing
- Fuel cell demonstrations
- Electric and hybrid vehicles
- A concrete canoe
- A cornstarch pool
- Robots
- Computer Games
- Segway Rides
- Lab Tours
- Visit from Cocky
For a full list of activities, visit www.cec.sc.edu/eweek. Visitors, of all ages, are welcome, as are school groups. The speakers series will feature experts on the gender wage gap and the growing rolls of women in engineering and computing. To register for these free seminars, visit www.cec.sc.edu/eweek.
College and Career Center News: Senior Scholarship Totals
With the 2nd Semester in full swing, Senior Blazers are hard at work with earning college acceptance and scholarship funding. The College and Career Center is proud to announce that to date Ridge View Seniors have earned more than:
$ 3,267,300.00
Congratulations to all of our Seniors! Keep working hard and make us all proud!
For more information about the College and Career Center, please call (803) 699-2999.
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Parent Education Conference Coming Soon
The Military Child Education Coalition and Fort Jackson CYSS is hosting a Parent Education Conference Tuesday, March 25th at Sandlapper Elementary from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM. These workshops focus on empowering parents to be their child's strongest advocate on educational and social issues. There will be two workshops - one on school transitions and what parents must know and the other focuses on mapping out an academic plan for your student. If you are interested in this conference, please click on the image to the left. You can also contact Dr. Keisha McCoy Wilson or Ms. Ann Gordon, Army School Liaison by email (usarmy.jackson.imcom-fmwrc.mbx.schoolliaison@mail.mil) to reserve your seat today.
COMMUNITY News: Create It Discovery Day
Are you curious about careers in Information Technology? On Saturday, March 1, 2014 IT-ology and the University of South Carolina will sponsor Create It Discovery Day. Students will tour the University of South Carolina, participate in panel discussions with IT professionals, explore IT majors with USC students, and participate in hands-on technology activities. This event is FREE to all 9th through 11th grade students, but registration is required. If you are interested, please click on the image above to view the flyer. Students can register for this exciting event at https://createit.eventbrite.com.
REMINDER: Midlands Tech "College Goal South Carolina"
The Educational Opportunity Center at Midlands Technical College will be hosting "College Goal South Carolina" on Saturday, February 22nd from 10 am to 1 pm. The event will be held in Room 143 of the Academic Center at 1260 Lexington Dr., West Columbia, SC 29170. This is a great opportunity for students and parents who need assistance filling out the FAFSA. For more information, contact Whitney McWhorter at (803) 822-6703 or at mcwhorterw@midlandstech.edu, or Marti Weaver at (803) 822-3494 or at weaverm@midlandstech.edu.
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