Do you have any jeans that no one wears anymore? If so, donate them to Teens for Jeans. Coffeehouse, an open mic club at The View, is collecting jeans for this charity drive organized by Aeropostale. All jeans donated will go to local shelters. You can drop off your old jeans in B-32. We would also like to remind everyone that students can clear one hour of after school detention by donating one pair of jeans. Also, if you donate, a coupon for 25% off your next pair of Aeropostale jeans is available.
We appreciate everyone's help so far with this charity drive. Olivia Sutton, a member of the Coffeehouse, delivered 166 pairs of donated jeans to Aeropostale this past Wednesday. If you would like to learn more about Teens For Jeans, click on the image.