ARTS Focus: Blazers Excel State Concert Band Festival
On Wednesday, March 19th, our Symphonic and Concert Bands performed at the State Concert Band Festival, which serves as the state level assessment. Bands can enter Class I (easiest) through Class VI (most difficult). After three prepared works, each band had 6 minutes to prepare for one sight-reading piece. Judges then awarded the bands a rating of poor, fair, good, excellent or superior. Both of our bands entered the Class IV competition. Our Concert Band, which is our second band, received an excellent rating, while our top band, the Symphonic Band, earned a superior rating. Band Director, Vince Clayton, said, "I am so proud of these kids. They gave up time after school to make up for lost rehearsal time due to snow without complaint. They have been dedicated to a commitment of excellence, which we talk about transferring to academics and everything else in life." Way to go Blazers!