The Columbia Museum of Art is thrilled to announce that two of Blazer senior Sava Kucherin's photographs have been chosen for our upcoming Main Street South Carolina exhibition. This exhibition will be featured in our Education Gallery from September 1st through September 30th. The exhibition will culminate with a send off to Washington at a reception for student artists, their families and teachers on Sunday, September 28th from 3-5 pm. Congratulations Sava!
Sunday, August 31, 2014
Upcoming Events in the College & Career Center

- ED-OP College Fair: September 8th
- ACT Workshop: September 9th
- College Application Day at RV: September 15th
- PSAT Sign Up Deadline: September 17th
REMINDER: Bojangles On Sale at Open House

Saturday, August 30, 2014
Yearbook Special Deadline Extended

- Purchase online at Use the yearbook code 10274115 for RVHS.
- Complete the yearbook form located on the Ridge View web site at .
PTSO Meeting Approaching
Ridge View's PTSO will be meeting on September 8th from 6-7 pm in the Media Center. All are welcome to attend. The following is the agenda for this meeting.
- Process for selecting officers for the 2014-2015 school year.
- Recruiting members, and will we collect dues this year?
- Checking account balance, write check after funds are collected for Cuts for Gabbiee.
- Discussion on major fundraising projects that help Ridge View meet its goals and vision.
- Establish a BlazerFest committee, if PTSO still wants to host the festival.
ATHLETICS: Volleyball Cruises to 8-0 Start
RVHS Beyond Limitations Leadership Program
Richland School District Two is committed to partnering with our community to prepare all students for success by providing meaningful, challenging, and engaging learning experiences. As a result of that commitment, Ridge View High School has developed a leadership program for young men. Beyond Limitations Leadership Program is designed to teach principles of manhood, provide leadership development opportunities, and academic guidance/support for each young man. This program will partner students with a mentor who will assist them throughout high school. It is our belief that guidance and support from professional role models in collaboration with active parental involvement will help each young man unlock and achieve his full potential.
If you and your son are interested in learning more about this program, please contact Dr. Marlon L. Thomas (803.699.2999 ext. 210) or click on the image to review and complete the information packet.
Friday, August 29, 2014
ATHLETICS: Football vs. Blythewood Tonight
The 2014 football season will begin tonight at Richland Two District Stadium at Blythewood High at 7:30 pm. Ridge View is the visiting team, so our fans need to sit on the visitor's side. Student's can by a discounted ticket for $5 this morning and lunch in the main hallway near the front of the school. Tickets at the game will be $6. Click on the image to view an online interview of Ridge View football coach Raymond Jennings about tonight's game. GO BLAZERS!
Today is Blazer Pride Day
It's Blazer Pride Day. Wear your Ridge View shirts, and come on out and support the football team against Blythewood High at 7:30 pm at the district stadium at Blyethwood H.S. The Blazers will be the visiting team for this game.
Bojangles On Sale at Open House

CCC: Qualifying for Testing & College Application Waivers

ACTIVITIES: Introducing CATE Student Organizations
HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) is one of the four professional student organizations that is sponsored by the Career and Technology Education (CATE) department at Ridge View. HOSA is open to any student interested in a future in Health Sciences. The RVHS HOSA Advisors are Diane Melton and Mary Harmon. The annual dues for this organization are $20.00. They meet twice a month in Room M-118, with the first meeting scheduled in September.
The other CATE professional student organizations are:
- DECA (finance, hospitality, and marketing) sponsored by Mrs. Jackson in Room C-67.
- FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) sponsored by Mrs. Richardson in Room C-69
- NTHS (National Technical Honor Society) is by invitation only.
If you are interested in one or more of these student organizations, please contact the advisor.
Thursday, August 28, 2014
ACTIVITIES: Yearbook Special

- Purchase online at Use the yearbook code 10274115 for RVHS.
- Complete the yearbook form located on the Ridge View web site at .
ATHLETICS: Cross Country Attends Providence Invitational
On August 23, the Ridge View Boys and Girls Cross Country teams traveled to Charlotte for the 2014 Providence Invitational. The Boys finished 11th (out of 42 teams) in the JV Race with final times as follows:
Connor McCloskey - 18:22
Marcel Boatwright - 19:47
Jordan Hollis - 19:53
Brandon Jackson - 20:05
Carlo Milan - 20:11
Hunter Kane - 20:39
Geraldo Bracete - 23:30
Although the girls did not have enough runners to score as a team, they also ran Great times.
Jasmine Sampson - 27:10
Myckenzie Horton - 28:01
Amy Nguyen - 28:56
For full race results, please click on the image.
ACADEMICS: Need A Graphing Calculator?
Does your student need a graphing calculator for his/her math homework? Good news, the Mathematics department rents graphing calculators (TI-83+ and TI-84+) for $25. Your student will be able to keep the calculator until he/she takes the math final exam. If you are interested, please click on the image to access the Graphing Calculator Rental Agreement form. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Gilbert by phone (803.699.2999 ext. 302) or by email (
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
ATHLETICS: Off To A Great Year With Cheer!

Upcoming Events:
- Thursday, August 28th: B-Team/JV Football vs Blythewood High School
- Friday, August 29th: Varsity Football @ Blythewood High School
Come out and show your Blazer Pride with the cheerleaders.
Senior Parent & Student Information Session
There will be a Senior Parent & Student Information Session on Wednesday, September 3rd in the RV Auditorium beginning at 8 am.
Junior & Senior Announcements from the CCC
Here are some announcements from the College and Career Center.
- There will be a Senior Parent & Student Information Session on Wednesday, September 3rd in the RV Auditorium beginning at 8 am.
- Senior families are encouraged to complete the Free and Reduced lunch form online. Your students will not be eligible for any type of waivers until a new form has been approved for this school year.
- Juniors and Seniors, if you would like to have the opportunity to play a sport in college, please make sure you have completed your NCAA Eligibility. If you need assistance or have questions, please contact Mr. Patterson in guidance or contact him at or see Mrs. Bishop in D-95.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014
SAVE THE DATE: Open House, September 2nd
Tuesday, September 2nd is our first Open House for the 2014-15 school year. You will get an opportunity to meet your Blazer's teachers. We are asking that you park in our upper parking lot located at the top of the hill off of Hard Scrabble Road. The lot entrance, when going up the hill from the Food Lion direction, is PAST the marquee sign on the left. When you turn into the lot, there will be JROTC Student Cadets to direct you to parking Lot C.
Schedules will be distributed in the center hallway beginning at 5:45 PM. At 6 PM, parents will follow their student's schedule to briefly meet with each teacher. More information about Open House will be posted later this week.
ATHLETICS: Blazer Football Attend Overnight Camp

Upcoming Games:
Thursday, August 28th: B/JV vs Blythewood
Friday, August 29th: Varsity @ Blythewood
Monday, August 25, 2014
ATHLETICS: Volleyball Wins Pelion Tournament
The Lady Blazers Volleyball team went 6-0 to become the Pelion Tournament Champions! During the morning pool play, the Blazers defeated Pelion, Christ Church and Summerville. They then defeated Summerville in the quarterfinals before stunning favorite White Knoll in the semifinals. The Lady Blazers then defeated Andrew Jackson High School in the finals. Great job Blazers!
Upcoming Events AT THE VIEW
Here is what is happening at The View this week:
Tuesday, August 26:
- Last Day to Drop/Add Semester Course
- Girls Golf @ Keenan HS @ 4:15 PM Linrick Golf Course
- Varsity Volleyball vs Hammond & Dreher HS @ 5:30 PM
Thursday, August 28:
- Underclassmen Picture Day
- National Honor Society Informational Meeting @ 12:30 PM
- JV/Varsity Volleyball vs AC Flora & Irmo HS @ 5:30 PM
- B-Team/JV Football vs Blythewood HS @ 6:00 PM
Friday, August 29:
- Underclassmen Picture Day
- National Honor Society Informational Meeting @ 12:30 PM
- Cross Country @ Coastal Carolina Invitational @ 4:30 PM
- Varsity Football @ Blythewood HS @ 7:30 PM
ATHLETICS: JROTC Drill Team Tryouts Begin TODAY!!
If you are a returning Cadet or first year Cadet in the first or second semester; and you want to become a member of an elite team, then attend the informational briefing for the drill team on TODAY. Experience is not necessary. All are welcomed. Drill and Ceremony has and always will be the foundation for discipline and espirit de corps. The Drill Team Invitational brief and tryouts will be August 25 - 28 from 3:45 PM until 6:00 PM.
If you make the drill team, note on your calendar that drill team practice is Monday through Thursday from 3:45 PM until 5:45 PM. Competitions are on Saturdays at surrounding high schools in the Columbia area.
If you are interested in tryouts or have questions, please contact First Sergeant Cannon (803.699.2999 ext. 237 or mcannon@richlan2org). Come support your Ridge View JROTC Blazer Battalion.
REMINDER: Please Update Your Student's RUP
During orientation, you received information on the updated Computing Device Take Home policy, which is also available on the Ridge View website. Please be sure to review this information as our insurance has changed this year.
On August 11, the district emailed parents of all returning students about the new InfoSnap system. Each child has his/her own "snap code", so if you have multiple students in the district, you should have received multiple emails. The InfoSnap system is now the only way to sign the Responsible Use Policy (RUP). Only students with a signed RUP on file will be able to receive a Chromebook this year. This form is required every year and is directly connected to your student's access to any technology at the school. To read more about what you may need to do, please click on the image.
ACTIVITIES: Interested in a JROTC Leadership Position?
Attention Cadets: If you would like to have a leadership or staff position within the battalion this year, you must complete and submit a promotion packet. This packet can be found on the Blazer Battalion website. The positions that require applications are Staff Officers, Company Commander, Company Executive Officer, Company First Sergeant, and Platoon Leader. The promotion board will be on September 2nd from 4:00 PM until 5:00 PM. Be wear your business casual attire.
Sunday, August 24, 2014
REMINDER: Sports Challenge Ends Sunday, August 31
MEDcare Urgent Care is wrapping up its 2nd Annual Sports Physical Challenge, which will end on August 31st. With this challenge MEDcare is offering reduced sports physicals at $20.00 (regularly prices at $35.00) and will donate $5 to Ridge View for each Blazer student physical conducted. Their clinics are located in Columbia, Charleston, and Anderson, SC. Please visit the website to learn more. You can also click on the image to read more about the challenge.
Cuts for Gabbiee Is TODAY!!!
Still need to get that fresh hair cut or style for the first full week of school? Ridge View Master Haircare Instructor, Terex Smalls and a team of barbers are waiting for you today. Come by Ridge View between 1 and 6 PM to get a fresh hair cut and/or style for prices you can't beat. Please bring your family and tell your friends and co-workers. All proceeds will go towards the Gabbiee Swainson Scholarship and to support the Master Haircare program.
Saturday, August 23, 2014
ACTIVITIES: HOSA Students Attend National Conference
In June, eight students from RVHS HOSA qualified and attended the National HOSA Conference in Orlando, Florida. These students competed in the following areas:
- Bria Dantzler - Biomedical Lab Science
- Akire Hoot, Quinton Bankhead, and Courtney Lee - Creative Problem Solving
- Elizabeth Bravo - Medical Assisting
- Tori Huey - Nutrition
- Jada Williams - Physical Therapy
- Savannah Talledo - Prepared Speaking
Next year, the HOSA National Conference will be held in Anaheim, California. HOSA students placing 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in their event at the SC HOSA State Conference in March will qualify for this wonderful opportunity. Please congratulate these students when you see them.
ATHLETICS: Blazer Football Wears NFL Uniform
As part of the Carolina Panther community outreach program, they donated used equipment and uniforms to deserving high schools. When Coach Jennings, our head football coach, received the email, he immediately applied for the grant. Within one month, the team received notice that they won the grant. And what did they receive -- practice pants.
It may not sound like much, but by winning this grant, Coach Jennings saved the school thousands of dollars. But that is not what motivated the players. Juwan Latten, one of the senior left tackles, was very excited about wearing the practice pants, knowing that they were once were worn by an NFL player. If you want to read more about this story, click the image.
Friday, August 22, 2014
ATHLETICS: Blazer Football Accepts Marine Combat Challenge
On Monday, August 18th, the Blazer football team took a break from their normal practice day to take part in the Marine Combat Challenge. This challenge was sponsored by the United States Marine recruiters. Their main focus was to teach leadership, discipline, and teamwork.
ALUMNI News: More on NFL Player Brian Quick
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Courtesy of St. Louis Post-Dispatch |
RV Graduate Brian Quick continues to make the news. Brian is currently an NFL player for the St Louis Rams. Last Saturday, during the preseason game against Green Bay Packers, Brian catches a 41-yard pass. To read more on the story click the image. A second article is here. Congrats Brian, we hope to hear more great news about your NFL accomplishments.
Thursday, August 21, 2014
The New Smart Snack Law
Due to the new Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act (Smart Snack), seniors are allowed to leave campus for lunch, but may not bring food back on campus at the end of lunch each day. Juniors, who are allowed to leave campus during lunch second semester, must also follow this same rule. Parents, we also ask that you do not deliver food to your Blazer during lunch. If you would more information about the federal law and its guidelines, please click on the image.
Are You Following AT THE VIEW Daily?
Are you subscribed to AT THE VIEW Daily, the source for all your Ridge View news! If not, you should be. Enter your email on the right-hand side of this page where it says "Get AT THE VIEW Daily by EMAIL." You'll be sent an email from Feedburner with a link that you will need to click to activate your subscription. Please do not delete this email until you click on this link. Once active, you will receive an email each day with everything that was published on AT THE VIEW Daily.
If you don't want AT THE VIEW Daily in your email, please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+. Everything we post on AT THE VIEW Daily is also published on all three of our social media outlets.
Don't miss out on the wonderful things going on at Ridge View. Subscribe by email or follow us via social media today.
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Blazers, Check Your Email!
RV Blazers, were you unable to come to orientation last week? Please check your email. We emailed you the name and room number of your Advisory teacher for the 2014-15 school year. In Advisory tomorrow every student will receive an updated copy of their class schedule.
We will not have Late Start on today, but we will have Early Bird classes. The bell schedule for tomorrow and Thursday, August 21st is below. Please make note of it. We look forward to seeing you.
Early Bird: 7:35 - 8:30
Advisory: 8:40 - 9:10
1st period: 9:16 - 9:59
2nd period: 10:05 - 10:48
3rd period: 10:54 - 11:37
4th period: 11:43 - 12:26
Lunch: 12:26 - 1:08
5th period: 1:14 - 1:57
6th period: 2:03 - 2:46
7th period: 2:52 - 3:35
Welcome Back, Blazers!!!
Welcome to what we feel will be another awesome school year at Ridge View High School. Today is the first day of school; and we would like to provide you with some important information to make your first day much easier for you, your RV Blazer, and our RV family as a whole.
- All students should be dropped off and picked up in our upper parking lot located at the top of the hill off of Hard Scrabble Road. The lot entrance, when going up the hill from Food Lion direction, is PAST the marquee sign on the left. When you turn into the lot, please follow the blue line on the roadway which will guide you to the D-lot drop-off point, just behind the Auditorium. For dropping off or picking up purposes, please do not use the circle in front of the school's main entrance.
- We expect there to be a high number of you who will need to come into the Guidance Department. So we ask that you also come into the same upper lot mentioned above. Please park in that lot, enter the building from there, and come down D-Hall to the Guidance Department, which is at the front of the building. You will find staff members in the hallways available to guide you in the right direction.
- All parents and/or guardians are required to sign the Responsible Use Procedures (RUP) which can be found under the email section in Parent Portal. The RUP may also be signed electronically when you register or update your son's or daughter's information in the new online program called InfoSnap. If you have any questions regarding your Parent Portal account, please contact Patsy Smith at 803.699.2999 ext. 209.
- Tomorrow is a regular start time day. For those students who have early bird class, it will begin at 7:35 AM. If students who do not have an early bird class should report to their Advisory classes, which will begin promptly at 8:40 AM. An email was sent to all students with the name of their Advisory teacher and the location of the Advisory class. In Advisory, students will receive an updated copy of their schedule.
Again, welcome to a great year at Ridge View! GO BLAZERS!!!
REMINDER: Cuts for Gabbiee This Sunday
Please don't forget to come and get that fresh hair cut for the 2014-15 school year. Ridge View's Master Haircare Instructor, Terex Smalls, and a team of barbers are waiting for you in the Master Haircare lab. Come by Ridge View between 1 and 6 PM. Don't come alone. Bring your family, friends, and co-workers. We would love your support. All proceeds will go to the Gabbiee Swainson Scholarship and to the Master Haircare program.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
ATHLETICS: Sports Physical Challenge Ends Soon

What Bus Do I Ride?
Need to find out what bus you ride to and from school this year? Click the image to find all RSD2 bus routes for Ridge View High School Blazers. Ridge View is now covered by the Killian Hub only. So if you have any questions about the routes please contact them at 803-699-2892.
Monday, August 18, 2014
REMINDER: Bojangles’ Hackers and Smashers Golf
The Bojangles’ Basketball Bash, an elite high school basketball event, is hosting the Inaugural Bojangles’ Hackers and Smashers Golf Tournament on September 8, 2014 at Oak Hills Golf Club to benefit Home Works of America and the Bojangles’ Basketball Bash. Registration begins at 8:00am with a shotgun start 9:00 AM. Fee is $300 per team. Players will have a chance to win $2,000 for a hole in one on #7, Long Drive on Hole #9 using a Cayman Ball as well as a Money Ball Format. Bojangles’ of Columbia will be serving breakfast and lunch to all players. Players can sign up on the Bojangles’ Bash website at or by visiting any Columbia Bojangles’ as well as Oak Hills Golf Club. This great visual event promises ample photo and video opportunities, as well as interviews with Home Works of America and Bojangles’ Basketball Bash representatives.
WHEN: September 8, 2014; 8:00 a.m. – 4:00p.m.
WHERE: Oak Hills Golf Club, 7629 Fairfield Road, Columbia SC 29203, (803) 735-9830
CONTACT: Bash Marketing Coordinator, Tony Birch ( or 843.855.1239
REMINDER: Freshmen First & Parent Breakfast Tomorrow
Our Blazer Academy will be hosting Freshmen First tomorrow, Tuesday, August 19th. All freshmen are asked to attend school on this day beginning at 8:30 am and ending at 1:00 pm. Transportation and lunch will be provided. All students should report to the large gym upon their arrival at school. We will also be hosting a breakfast for our parents of freshmen in the Media Center from 8:00 am to 9:00 am on this day. If you have any questions, please contact, Ms. Sharon James, Lead Teacher for the Blazer Academy at or at 699-2999 ext. 279.
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Saturday, August 16, 2014
ATHLETICS: Midlands Honda Football Jamboree Today
Today, our Blazer Football team will participate in the Midlands Honda Battle of the County Line Jamboree at the Harry Parone Stadium (on Spring Valley's campus). Ridge View will play River Bluff at 1:00 PM. Admissions is $7.00.
Please come out and show your Blazer pride and support our Blazers.
Coming Soon - Beyond Limitations Leadership Program
Richland School District Two is committed to partnering with our community to prepare all students for success by providing meaningful, challenging, and engaging learning experiences. As a result of that commitment, Ridge View High School has developed a leadership program for young men. Beyond Limitations Leadership Program is designed to teach principles of manhood, provide leadership development opportunities, and academic guidance/support for each young man. This program will partner students with a mentor who will assist them throughout high school. It is our belief that guidance and support from professional role models in collaboration with active parental involvement will help each young man unlock and achieve his full potential.
If you and your son are interested in learning more about this program, please contact Dr. Marlon L. Thomas (803.699.2999 ext. 210) or click on the image to review and complete the information packet.
Dr. Sweeney Attends South Carolina Supreme Court Institute

Friday, August 15, 2014
ATHLETICS: Camden Shrine Club Football Jamboree Tonight
This weekend our Blazer football team will participate in two jamborees. Tonight they will participate in the Camden Shrine Club Jamboree at Zemp Stadium (on Camden High School's campus). Our Blazers will play against Camden at 8:30 PM.
Tomorrow, Ridge View will participate in the Midlands Honda Battle of the County Line Jamboree at the Harry Parone Stadium (on Spring Valley's campus). Ridge View will play River Bluff at 1:00 PM. Admissions is $7.00.
Please come out and show your Blazer pride and support our Blazers.
Please come out and show your Blazer pride and support our Blazers.
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