Our PTSO and SIC will hold their first meeting tomorrow, September 8th in the Media Center. The PTSO meeting will begin at 6:00 PM, followed by the SIC meeting at 7:00 PM. Officers will be elected at the meetings.
School Improvement Council's state mandate requires that each School Improvement Council membership roster be comprised of various types of membership - appointed members, elected members, and general members. We will send information under separate cover detailing the process for the 2014-15 School Improvement Council elections.
In the meantime, we welcome you to attend the first meetings of the year. We look forward to seeing you on Monday, September 8th at 6:00 PM and/or at 7:00 PM in the Media Center. Thanks for all you do to support The View.
School Improvement Council's state mandate requires that each School Improvement Council membership roster be comprised of various types of membership - appointed members, elected members, and general members. We will send information under separate cover detailing the process for the 2014-15 School Improvement Council elections.
In the meantime, we welcome you to attend the first meetings of the year. We look forward to seeing you on Monday, September 8th at 6:00 PM and/or at 7:00 PM in the Media Center. Thanks for all you do to support The View.