Parents please join us for our Fall Open House, Tuesday, September 8th, from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm. This is a time for teachers to meet and greet parents, as well as time to share instructional goals, expectations, etc. with parents. There will be tables available for you to also register your student through InfoSnap, purchase Blazer spirit items, pay fees, as well as become a member of our PTSO. If parents want to discuss grades and student behavior with a teacher, they can stop by the School Counseling Office to schedule a parent-teacher conference. There will also be a CAT Parent Meeting in room C-66 at 4:45 pm, and a Meet and Greet with the Magnet Directors of the Institute for Health Sciences and the Scholars Academy at 5 pm in the Multi-purpose Room. We look forward to meeting with you tomorrow evening.