Community Outreach Event Wednesday, Sept 9th 11:30 - 12:30 Birch Park Virtual Open House Sept 15th 4-5:15 PM ON Campus SAT Test September 23rd 5

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

ATHLETICS: CAT Field Study to FN Manufacturing

Our Carolina Alliance for Technology (CAT) engineering track students attended a field study at FN America, a manufacturing corporation that uses a wide variety of engineers in their Columbia facility. Students were introduced to civil, electrical, industrial, mechanical, metallurgical and production engineers. The common theme throughout the presentations was the need to improve your knowledge of math. FN America makes 95% of the personally issued weapons for the U.S. Army and Navy Seals. They also supply weapons to the Columbia PD. Our students were fascinated with the production and design process. Our hope is that this amazing experience showed our students the connection between the classroom and the real world. A big thank you goes out to COO Mr. Greg Butler and his amazing staff which made this an unforgettable experience for our students.