Richland School District Two (RSD2) schools are funded primarily by local taxes. However, due to the large federal presence in our area and the tax exemptions available for federally-connected personnel, businesses, and agencies, RSD2 is eligible to apply for federal Impact Aid funds.
Impact Aid is a federal program designed to assist local school districts that enroll federally connected students. Federally connected students are children of active duty uniformed services personnel, children who live on federal property, and children whose parents work on federal property. The Impact Aid Program funds become a part of Richland School District Two's general operating budget and are critical to maintaining high standards for educational excellence.
We need your assistance in identifying students with federal connections. The information provided on the attached form is confidential, only available to school officials, and will be used solely to completely our request for Impact Aid funds under Title VII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.
Ridge View students received a yellow Impact Aid Survey form Monday, November 9th in their 3rd period class. We asking all students to return completed forms to their 3rd period teacher as soon as possible. Students and classes will receive an incentive for submitting forms by next Friday. We apologize for any inconvenience, but you must complete a separate survey for each school-aged student in your household. Also all forms must be completed in pen. Writing in pencil is prohibited.
- Sections A & D: Everyone must complete Section A & D
- Section B: ONLY complete if either parent/guardian of the student is an active duty member of the US uniformed services.
- Section C: ONLY complete if either parent/guardian of the student is a civilian working on federal property. Examples of federal property include Headquarters, USATC & Fort Jackson, J Bratton Davis, US Bankruptcy Courthouse, Matthew J. Perry US Courthouse, McEntire Joint National Guard Base, Savannah River Site, Shaw Air Force Base, Strom Thurmond Federal Building, Strom Thurmond US Courthouse, Veterans Administration Regional Office, Wm Jennings Bryan Dorn VA Medical Center
Click the image above for a copy of the Impact Aid Survey form