AT THE VIEW would like to congratulate our March Students of the Month, who were recognized with a Pizza Party and a certificate for their outstanding academic achievement. Our awardees were Samira Alvarez (School for the Arts)m Logan Carder (JROTC), Veronica Cue (JROTC), Knique Eichelberger (Social Studies), Madeline Hahn (Scholars Academy), Angel Johnson (Fine Arts), Brianna Looper (Math), Gabriel McFarlan (Science), Kiara Myers (Bio Health), Tavia Nash (Science), Ky Nguyen (CAT), Jocelynne Pagan (Fine Arts), Leah Pierre (Health), Nia Simpson (AVID), Bryce Smith (Social Studies), Sam Striggles (Math), Zaria Thomas (P.E.), Ashleigh Tobin (World Languages), Queen Trapp (World Languages), Sharletta Williams (Blazer Academy) and Ashley Zawisza (Allied Health). Congratulations Blazers!