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Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Scholars Capstone Spotlight: ADHD

Grace Justice, a recent graduate of Ridge View's Scholars Academy Magnet for Business and Law, focused her Senior Capstone Research Project efforts on the topic of whether or not teachers are given sufficient, applicable training on how to handle ADHD within the classroom. Justice conducted four interviews, three via the internet, and one face-to-face. These teachers indicated that they did not receive even minimal training, could not tell some of misconceptions from fact, and most could not determine whether ADHD was a purposeful lack of focus or a lack of ability. They also used outdated information, such as using “ADD” as a term, which was retired in 2013. This study found that our teachers are not properly trained in understanding ADHD and how to teach their students with ADHD. More has to be done educate our teachers to provide them with the skills needed to make their classrooms more accommodating for ADHD students. For more information, click on the image to visit her website or follow her on Twitter @psADHD.