Scholars Capstone Spotlight: The Effectiveness of GSA's
Madeline Hahn, a recently graduated senior in the Ridge View's Scholars Academy Magnet for Business and
Law, conducted her Senior Capstone research project on the impact and effects of having a GSA
(Gay-Straight Alliance) on high school LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, queer, questioning, etc) students. GLSEN (2011) cites GSAs as one
of several solutions to the hostile climate facing LGBTQ+ students. Hahn chose a
southeastern high school that has an active GSA, where five students ranging in
age, race and LGBTQ+ identification, voluntarily answered questions about their
involvement with the GSA, their school, and their experience in the
LGBTQ+ community. Findings show that the GSA was responsible for an increased
sense of belonging and comfortability sharing thoughts and feelings. You can follow Madeline Hahn on Twitter @gsa_foreveryone. Hahn will be studying business at the University of South Carolina this fall.