Community Outreach Event Wednesday, Sept 9th 11:30 - 12:30 Birch Park Virtual Open House Sept 15th 4-5:15 PM ON Campus SAT Test September 23rd 5

Friday, October 27, 2017

ACADEMICS: Want to Earn College Credit Before Graduation?

ACCUPLACER will be given on October 30th.  This is an integrated system of computer-adaptive multiple choice assessments designed to evaluate students’ skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. It is used to assess student preparedness for introductory credit-bearing college courses and makes it easier for advisors and counselors to determine whether a student is ready to take a college-level class, or if they should take transitional or developmental courses prior to enrolling.  The School Counseling Department at Ridge View High School uses ACCUPLACER to assist with enrolling students in dual credit courses taught by Midlands Technical College professors.  The courses are taught at Ridge View; and students who are successful in these courses will receive both high school and college credits.  If you are interested in your child taking dual credit courses and want more information, please contact Mr. Fewell ( or 803.699.2999 ext. 84227) or Ms. Barnes ( or ext. 84226) or  in the Career Center.