TMAS is an initiative created to empower our military children by using literature and their own stories. On Sunday, May 5th Ridge View's Student2Student partnered with the newly founded Parent To Parent Program for Military Families. Major General Livingston, current Adjutant General of South Carolina, and his wife Barbara brought the story Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type alive for the children of armed forces members in the area. Blazers Jerrod Haynes, Elise Lee, and Dalicia Blanding volunteered by helping at the craft, picture and snack stations. Ms. Sales-McMillian, RVH English teacher, and Mrs. Burley, RVH School Counselor and S2S sponsor, facilitated small groups after the lively reading of the story. Each family received a copy of the book authored by Doreen Cronin. A grand time was had by all.