Ridge View's Senior Class celebrated Cominghome with the theme of "Viewkanda Forever" during exam week. Students enjoyed games during the exam break, activities during lunch, various dress days, and a pep rally that introduced the contestants to the entire school. During the Varsity boys basketball game, Dr. Mack was joined by Ridge View's Cominghome Queen from 1998 Ms. DeAnna Moore Wages to crown the winners. Congratulations to Cominghome King Quentin Covington and Cominghome Queen Arin Robertson!
Thursday, January 31, 2019
FAFSA Night @ R2i2 TONIGHT, Jan 31st
Planning to attend college in the Fall?
Need to completed your FAFSA?
Attend the FAFSA Night
January 31, 2019
@ R2i2
6:00 - 7:30 PM
Kidney Foundation Picking Up Lost/Found Tomorrow, Feb 1st
Our Main Office Faculty Room is filling up with lost student items. Students please come and check if your misplaced items are in the Main Office. All items in our Lost and Found will be donated to the Kidney Foundation tomorrow, February 1st.
Jackie Robinson Scholarship Due TOMORROW Feb 1st

The application deadline is February 1, 2019, so apply right away. Click the image to learn more about the Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship.
Due Tomorrow, Feb 1st), $3,500 Scholarship
The James F. Byrnes Scholarship Program was established to assist young South Carolinians who had lost one or both parents to obtain a college education. In order to be eligible for the $3,500 scholarship, students must:
The annual award of $3,500 is applied each year toward a four-year bachelor's degree program. The scholarship is renewed annually contingent upon the recipient's maintenance of satisfactory academic standing, need for financial assistance, and participation in Byrnes Scholar Activities.
- have one or more parents deceased
- be a South Carolina resident and United States citizen
- plan to pursue a bachelor's degree at a accredited 4-year college or university
- have a satisfactory academic record
- have received their SAT/ACT score
- demonstrated excellence in character, ability, and enterprise to indicate that the student will make worthwhile contribution to society
- have need for financial assistance in order to attend college
The annual award of $3,500 is applied each year toward a four-year bachelor's degree program. The scholarship is renewed annually contingent upon the recipient's maintenance of satisfactory academic standing, need for financial assistance, and participation in Byrnes Scholar Activities.
Click the image to obtain an application packet for the James F. Byrnes Foundation. Applications must be submitted after January 2 and postmarked by February 1st.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
TheDream.US $33K Scholarship Due Tomorrow, Jan 31
The Opportunity Scholarship Award provides scholarships up to $80,000 for first-time college students. The deadline to submit this application is January 31, 2019.
The application deadline for the National Scholarship Award is February 28th and offers scholarships up to $33,000 for high school, first-time college students, and community college graduates. To learn about TheDream.Us eligibility requirements, review FAQs, and to apply, click the image.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
ATHLETICS: Spring Sports Just Around the Corner!
Spring Sports at Ridge View High School will get started with tryouts/practices beginning on January 28, 2019!
All participants will need to have a physical dated after April 1, 2018 on file with the Ridge View High School Athletic Department. Physical packets can be picked up in the Main Office at Ridge View, in the Athletic Director’s Office, in the Athletic Training Room or downloaded by clicking here. Completed packets can be scanned and emailed to Brian Rosefield, Ridge View Athletic Director, at brosefield@richland2.org or turned in to our Athletic Trainers/Coach Rosefield.
The $50 Participation Fee is paid once a student makes the team.
Middle Schoolers zoned for Ridge View can participate in sports that are not offered at the middle school. Click here to download the Middle School Form.
Go Blazers!
Monday, January 28, 2019
SAVE THE DATE: FAFSA Night @ R2i2 Jan. 31st
Planning to attend college in the Fall?
Need to completed your FAFSA?
Attend the FAFSA Night
January 31, 2019
@ R2i2
6:00 - 7:30 PM
National HS Design Competition Ends Feb 11th
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum launched the National High School Design Competition in collaboration with Target. Every year, students around the country are challenged to design a solution to a unique scenario, inspired by Cooper Hewitt’s rich collection and stimulating exhibitions. This year the theme is The Nature of Design: What would you design (or redesign) that is a nature-based solution to a global problem? Click on the image to find out more about the competition.
Yearbook Staff Accepting Candid Photos
Calling All Photographers
Share your candid photos
They could be included in the yearbook!
- Click the image to access Yearbook Snap. You can also download the Yearbook Snap Walsworth app.
- Enter our school name (Ridge View High School).
- Click on Community Upload and enter your school's access code: 2019
- Upload your photos.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
ACADEMICS: Scholars Academy Serves Palmetto Place Shelter
On Friday, January 18, 2019 the Scholars Academy Magnet for Business and Law fed 26 youth on two campuses of the Palmetto Place Shelter, who provides a safe environment for kids who face abuse, abandonment, neglect and homelessness. Because the shelter does not have its own cooking facilities, these children depend on the generosity of others to ensure they get home cooked meals. If you are interested in learning how you can help, click on the image.
Saturday, January 26, 2019
ATHLETICS: Spring Sports Start Monday
Spring Sports at Ridge View High School will get started with tryouts/practices beginning on January 28, 2019! Check your specific sport’s page on RidgeViewSports.com for more information on specific times and locations.

The $50 Participation Fee is paid once a student makes the team.
Middle Schoolers zoned for Ridge View can participate in sports that are not offered at the middle school. Click here to download the Middle School Form.
Learn more about Ridge View High School Athletics with this video and with our Frequently Asked Questions below:
Where can I get Ridge View Athletic gear?
Visit our official online store by clicking here for the Ridge View Athletic Store.
What paperwork do I need to play sports at Ridge View High School?
All participants in Ridge View Athletics for the 2018-2019 school year need a completed Sports Physical Packet dated after April 1, 2018. This packet includes medical history form, physical form to be completed by a physician, concussion/consent form, and insurance/contact information sheet. These forms need to be on file with our Athletic Trainer, Mike Crook and can be obtained by clicking the “Sports Physical Packet” under the “More” Menu on this site, in the main office, or in the Athletic Director’s office. It can also be downloaded by clicking here.
You will also need a copy of a birth certificate on file with our Athletic Director, Brian Rosefield (brosefield@richland2.org).
Middle school students wishing to participate in Track, Baseball, Softball, or Cross Country must also fill out the Middle School Eligibility form available under the “More” Menu section of www.RidgeViewSports.com
Can Richland 2 Middle School students participate in Ridge View Athletics?
Yes! Currently, middle school students can participate in sports that are not offered at their Richland 2 middle schools: Swimming, Cross Country, Competitive Cheer, Track and Field, Baseball, Softball, Golf, Tennis, Wrestling(JV only), and Lacrosse(JV only).
Middle school students will need the following on file with the Ridge View Athletic Department in order to participate:
Completed Sports Physical Packet (addressed in more detail above)
Middle School Eligibility form (available under “More” Menu at RidgeViewSports.com) or by clicking here.
Copy of birth certificate
Proof of residency
$50 participation fee once a team is made (paid at the middle school)
Can my business advertise with Ridge View Athletics?
Yes. Corporate sponsorships are available. Click the Corporate Sponsorships link in the “More” Menu above to learn about the options available. Call Brian Rosefield at 803-699-2999 ext. 84400 to craft a package that is just right for your business.
Are there any fees to play sports at Ridge View High School?
There are district athletic fees required to be paid upon making the team. This fee must be paid before the first contest(scrimmage or game) It is a one time fee for the year no matter how many teams a student tries out for and participates with for the season.
From the district handbook:
Once a student is chosen for the team, he/she must pay a $50 participation fee before being allowed to compete. Coaches of teams that do not cut participants must communicate this requirement to all students interested in participating before they come out for the team. $50 is the maximum any student must pay during a school year, regardless of the number of teams he/she tries out for or participates on.
When are tryouts for each team?
Fall sports at Ridge View condition throughout the summer and tryouts will occur near the end of September or early August. Winter sports condition throughout the fall and tryouts occur near the end of October or early November. Spring sports condition throughout the winter and tryouts occur near the end of January or early February. Contact the head coach for specific conditioning/tryout/practice schedules. You can find contact information for each head coach under the “Athletic Department Directory” link on under the “More” Link above.
Is Ridge View Athletics on Social Media?
YES! Engage with us on our main Twitter handle @RidgeViewSports. Also, our teams have their own Social Media accounts as well.
You can also engage with Ridge View Athletics on Instagram (RidgeViewSports) and Snapchat (RidgeViewSports).
Please “Like” our Facebook page.
Be sure to use the hashtag #NextLevel in posts pertaining to Ridge View Sports!
What are ticket prices for home Ridge View Athletic contests?
$7 Varsity Football. $6 Varsity Basketball. $5 all other for all other home contests. Ticket prices for the Bojangles’ Bash, an international elite high school basketball showcase, are listed at www.BojanglesBash.com.
Go Blazers!
ACADEMICS: Scholars Senior Petitions Senate on Behalf of Trafficking Victims
On Thursday, January 17, 2019 Scholars Academy Magnet for Business and Law Senior Reilly Arford spoke to a South Carolina Senate subcommittee on strengthening protection for minors who meet the definition of having been trafficked. On average, freed victims of trafficking only live another 7 years based on federal State Department statistics. South Carolina has a great bill on the table to help these victims, S.188, but Arford would like the bill to add free expungement of non-violent offenses to other protections they are trying to put in place for minor victims so that they can get student loans and jobs and other things to start a new life. Arford also serves as the Human Trafficking Youth Awareness subcommittee Chairperson for the Attorney General’s Office.
Friday, January 25, 2019
B Davis Scholarship Due May 24th
The creators of the “Student Award Search Aid” website are offering a $1,000 B Davis Scholarship for 2019. The application deadline is May 24, 2019. To read more about the organization and apply for the scholarship, click on the image. Their website was developed solely for the purpose of helping students locate and apply for scholarships and to improve the students’ chances for success. Email your questions to awards@studentawardsearch.com.
ASVAB Test Scheduled for Feb 8th
Calling all Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors!! The next ASVAB test is scheduled for February 8, 2019. Interested students can sign up in the Career Center as soon as possible. For questions, please see Ms. Barnes in the Career Center or email her at arbarnes@richland2.org.
There is a copy of the 2018-19 ASVAB for Dummies also available online. It contains 3 practice exams and 2 AFQT practice exams. The last section of the book includes tips students should avoid and strategies to boost Math and English scores. Click the image if you the link so that you can easily access the book.
There is a copy of the 2018-19 ASVAB for Dummies also available online. It contains 3 practice exams and 2 AFQT practice exams. The last section of the book includes tips students should avoid and strategies to boost Math and English scores. Click the image if you the link so that you can easily access the book.
Did Well on PSAT? Check Out the Jackie Robinson Scholarship

The application deadline is February 1, 2019, so apply right away. Click the image to learn more about the Jackie Robinson Foundation Scholarship.
$3,500 Scholarship Due Next Week, Feb 1st

Click the image to obtain an application packet for the James F. Byrnes Foundation. Applications must be submitted after January 2 and postmarked by February 1st.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Seniors, Have You Completed Your FAFSA?
Planning to attend college in the Fall?
Need to completed your FAFSA?
Attend the FAFSA Night
January 31, 2019
@ R2i2
6:00 - 7:30 PM
SC Federal Credit Union Offering $50K in Scholarships
South Carolina Federal Credit Union is awarding a total of $50,000 to 12 deserving students. The deadline to apply is February 21st, 2019. Click on the image to learn about the scholarship and the guidelines.
Don't Forget to Check Lost/Found by Jan 31st.
Our Main Office Faculty Room is filling up with lost student items. Students please come and check if your misplaced items are in the Main Office. All items in our Lost and Found will be donated to the Kidney Foundation Friday, February 1st.
Check Out These Over $33,000 Scholarships
TheDream.US, the nation’s largest college access program for immigrant youth who are DACA, TPS, or DACA-eligible, opened a new round of scholarship applications for the 2019-20 academic year.
The Opportunity Scholarship Award provides scholarships up to $80,000 for first-time college students. The deadline to submit this application is January 31, 2019.
The application deadline for the National Scholarship Award is February 28th and offers scholarships up to $33,000 for high school, first-time college students, and community college graduates. To learn about TheDream.Us eligibility requirements, review FAQs, and to apply, click the image.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
ACADEMICS: Richland Two AVID Early College Freshman Wins Prestigious Award
Richland Two AVID Early College freshman student at Ridge View High School, Genesis Taylor, won 2nd place as an "Outstanding Spokesperson for Freedom" on Tuesday, January 8th, 2019 in the Veterans of Foreign War's (VFW) Voice of Democracy speech & essay contest at our local post in Elgin. This year's theme from the VFW was "Why My Vote Matters," in which Genesis addressed why more young people of her generation should go out and vote in national and state elections. The contest was established in 1947, and provides high school students with the unique opportunity to express themselves in regards to a democratic and patriotic-themed recorded essay. Each year, nearly 40,000 9-12 grade students from across the country enter to win their share of $2.1 million in educational scholarships and incentives awarded through the program.
The national first-place winner receives a $30,000 scholarship paid directly to the recipient’s American university, college or vocational/technical school. A complete list of other national scholarships range from $1,000-$16,000, and the first-place winner from each VFW Department (state) wins a minimum scholarship of $1,000 and an all-expense-paid trip to Washington, D.C.
COLLEGES: Midlands Tech Rep Visit Jan 23rd
On Wednesday, January 23rd, a representative from Midlands Technical College will be at Ridge View at 12 PM to speak with seniors. During lunch, she will host a lunch session for any juniors interested in learning more about Midlands Tech.
ATHLETICS: Spring Sports Just Around the Corner!
Spring Sports at Ridge View High School will get started with tryouts/practices beginning on January 28, 2019!
All participants will need to have a physical dated after April 1, 2018 on file with the Ridge View High School Athletic Department. Physical packets can be picked up in the Main Office at Ridge View, in the Athletic Director’s Office, in the Athletic Training Room or downloaded by clicking here. Completed packets can be scanned and emailed to Brian Rosefield, Ridge View Athletic Director, at brosefield@richland2.org or turned in to our Athletic Trainers/Coach Rosefield.
The $50 Participation Fee is paid once a student makes the team.
Middle Schoolers zoned for Ridge View can participate in sports that are not offered at the middle school. Click here to download the Middle School Form.
Go Blazers!
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Don't Forget to Provide Your Acceptance & Award Letters
ATTENTION SENIORS!! Don't forget to submit a copy of all college acceptance, scholarship awards, and financial aid award letters to Mr. Wilson, our new College Information Specialist. He is located in the College Center Room D-95. Even if you do not plan to accept the college's admission or award, a copy of those letters should be given to Mr. Wilson.
ACADEMICS: Ridge View Senior Earns 2nd in Oratorical Contest
Congratulations to Scholars Senior and Student Body President Otiana Thompson, who earned second place in the American Legion Oratorical Contest at Blythewood High School. Otiana earned a $250 scholarship for her speech. #futureSObright
COLLEGES: Midlands Tech Rep Visits Tomorrow, Jan 23
On tomorrow, January 23rd, a representative from Midlands Technical College will be at Ridge View at 12 PM to speak with seniors. During lunch, she will host a lunch session for any juniors interested in learning more about Midlands Tech.
Juniors and Seniors, if you ordered a class ring or graduation items and still have an outstanding balance, here is your chance to make your final payments! Jostens will return to Ridge View on January 23rd. Parents and students are welcome to come to M-141 from 11:30 AM to 12:30 PM to make those final payments. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Fennell at pfennell@richland2.org.
Monday, January 21, 2019
- 4:30 pm -- Varsity Boys Basketball @ MLK Day -- Eau Claire HS
Wednesday, January 23
- Report Cards Distributed
- Junor Ring/Senior Item Payment Due
- 6 pm -- Wrestling vs Westwood/Lancaster/Richland Northeast
Friday, January 25
- 5 pm -- JV Boys Basketball @ South Pointe
- 5 pm -- JV Girls Basketball @ South Pointe
- 6:15 pm -- B-Team Boys Basketball @ South Pointe
- 6:30 pm -- Varsity Girls Basketball @ South Pointe
- 8 pm -- Varsity Boys Basketball @ South Pointe
Saturday, January 26
- 8:30 am -- NMSI Student Study Session - AP Math & Comp Sci - Blythewood
- 9 am -- Wrestling @ Region Tournament - South Pointe
- 11 am -- Chambers Singers Retreat - Room C-74
- 5 pm -- Varsity Boys Basketball @ Peachtree Corners - Norcross HS, GA
ATHLETICS: Spring Sports Just Around the Corner!
Spring Sports at Ridge View High School will get started with tryouts/practices beginning on January 28, 2019!
All participants will need to have a physical dated after April 1, 2018 on file with the Ridge View High School Athletic Department. Physical packets can be picked up in the Main Office at Ridge View, in the Athletic Director’s Office, in the Athletic Training Room or downloaded by clicking here. Completed packets can be scanned and emailed to Brian Rosefield, Ridge View Athletic Director, at brosefield@richland2.org or turned in to our Athletic Trainers/Coach Rosefield.
The $50 Participation Fee is paid once a student makes the team.
Middle Schoolers zoned for Ridge View can participate in sports that are not offered at the middle school. Click here to download the Middle School Form.
Go Blazers!
Sunday, January 20, 2019
Check the Lost & Found by January 31st
Our Main Office Faculty Room is filling up with lost student items. Students please come and check if your misplaced items are in the Main Office. All items in our Lost and Found will be donated to the Kidney Foundation Friday, February 1st.
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