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Thursday, February 21, 2019

ACADEMICS: Arford Includes Econ Material in Speech with SC House

On February 12th, Reilly Arford, a Scholars Magnet for Business and Law student, spoke at the SC House Education Subcommittee Hearing on House bill 3957, a comprehensive reform of SC education.   Arford became a bit of an overnight sensation for his speech, and you can find several articles about him if you google his name.  What is particularly outstanding is that Arford used economic theory he learned in Mr. Kurt Stiglbuaer's class.  He used what he was has taught him to try to persuade the legislators to focus on teacher salary during the legislative session.  The members of the subcommittee were so impressed that they offered to allow Arford to submit one amendment to the bill, to which he quickly replied, a 10% raise.  If you would like to check out the speech, click the image.