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Friday, February 15, 2019

ACADEMICS: Scholars Juniors Advocate for Teen Relationship Violence Reform

Ridge View juniors, Grace Miller and Elizabeth Keels, and sophomores, Thomas Kane and Traniah Neal, from the Scholars Academy Magnet for Business and Law Magnet are advocating for the rights and legal protection of all teenage victims of relationship violence in South Carolina. Currently, they are working on getting a bill, H. 3075, passed. This bill, also known as The Teen Dating Violence Prevention Act, will ensure that teenagers 16 years of age and older will be able to file for a protective order, as opposed to the laws current age restriction which is only 18 and older. This bill will also ensure the inclusion of teen dating violence education in the comprehensive health education curriculum. As of now, the Teen Dating Violence Prevention Act has been prefiled, introduced and read for the first time to the house, and referred to Committee on Judiciary. In order to get this passed, the next step is for Grace Miller, Elizabeth Keels, Thomas Kane, and Traniah Neal, along with the help of their magnet director, Nicole Walker, to attend and testify at an upcoming subcommittee hearing. They will also be presenting to other schools to educate students and bring more awareness to this issue in the community. 

If you would like to contact them, please refer to the contacts below. Any and all suggestions are gladly welcomed. 

Twitter: @endtrviolence
Instagram: @endtrv