Please contact Head Coaches for specific tryout information (times, etc.):
Wrestling – Coach Logan Raabe – lraabe@richland2.org
Girls Basketball – Coach Terrence Gibson – tgibson@richland2.org
Boys Basketball – Coach Yerrick Stoneman – ystoneman@richland2.org
All student-athletes will need a completed physical packet dated after April 1, 2019 in order to participate in any workout or tryout with Ridge View High School. This physical packet must be on file with the Athletic Trainers before a student-athlete can be cleared for participation.
Student-athletes must have the Physical Examination Form, History Form, Consent/Concussion Form and Sports Health Form filled out prior to being able to work out at RVHS (all 4 of the packet’s pages). Print the Sports Physical Packet by clicking here. Packets can also be picked up in the Main Office at Ridge View, the Athletic Training Room or the Athletic Director’s office.
Completed physical packets can be emailed to brosefield@richland2.org or dropped off to the Athletic Training Room or Coach Rosefield’s office.