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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Senior Hampton Receives $1,000 College Board Scholarship

25 students from across the country earned a total $1 million for completing the six steps laid out in the College Board Opportunity Scholarships program. We are pleased to announce that Senior Ananda Hampton won a $1,000 scholarship for practicing for the SAT on Khan Academy. 

In addition to the 25 $40,000 Complete Your Journey scholarship recipients, nearly 4,000 students from 48 states earned $3.6 million for completing one or more college planning steps. Of that group, an additional 49 scholarship awards went to students from South Carolina totaling $40,0000. 

Why is this important? The College Board Opportunity Scholarships program is now open to all Class of 2021 students. Sign up today and complete the first step, Build Your College List,  to be eligible for $500 scholarships.