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Friday, November 8, 2013

November's Educator of the Month - Coach Raymond Jennings

Something has been weighing on my heart for some time; and I just feel that now is a good time for me to get it off my chest.  I hope you'll bear with me as I express myself and that you'll understand the importance of doing so at the end of this email.  

I am touched on a daily basis by the numerous ways that our faculty reach out to those in need.  When we have someone who experiences a loss, we embrace them with prayers, thoughts, and flowers.  When we have someone who excels and does well, the whole faculty comes together and celebrates in their honor.  When we have members of this family who are trying to move ahead in life, we all become cheerleaders.  This warmth and love is what makes working here such a pleasure.  It's with this knowledge that I come to you today, nominating someone for the EXTRA MILE AWARD because, of his compassion, humbleness, and sincere love of this community and Blazer family.  I'm more than positive that as I begin to describe this person, you are sure to guess his name, but I'll reveal that at the end.  

First, his compassion.  I've not been here long, but in the time I've seen this man tower over people through the hallways, but simply melt when it comes to being able to help a student.  Most recently, I've received a student, who is wheelchair bound due to having Spina Bifida.  It's amazing to see him lower himself to one knee, much like he would with the football players,  just to speak with her.  He never misses an opportunity to come and see her and each time he does, she shines.  For her first week, being as scared as all freshmen are, he welcomed her with open arms and showered her with many, many gifts to help ease the nervousness of not only being a freshman, but arriving late.  Not only did he get together some things to give her, he also asked that the other head coaches donate things as well.  She walked away with more RV gear than she could possibly hold, but also a feeling of belonging.

In addition, he's opened the eyes of his entire football team to the normalcy that Special Needs students have by allowing another student to join and rise to his potential.  This particular child wouldn't even make eye contact with authority figures when he first arrived at Ridge View, and is now entering our classrooms offering hugs and asking about our weekends.  All because this member of our family opened up his heart and arms.  In general, he's given up HOURS of his time to help make this school and the members held within it's hallways better simply by seeing all of our potential and having the compassion and willingness to show it to us.

Second, his humbleness.  The things that he does, I'm sure he has no clue how they have changed those around him.  He just does it because he feels as though it's the right thing to do.  He give short of the shirt off his back, which I'm sure he'd give too, and never asks for anything in return.  You'd never know that he'd done all of the things mentioned above because he's not the type of man to brag about the ways with which he helps those in this building.  

Last, his sincerity.  His heart and soul goes into his life here at Ridge View - as a teacher, football coach, and administrator.  He adds these responsibilities to those that he already has being a loving husband, and most importantly, an ever present father.  However, he's able to juggle all these responsibilities with amazing ease and never misses a single opportunity to help make our school shine to those around us.  Some of you may know this already, but because of his sincerity, compassion, and humbleness, Coach Jennings has helped to open the eyes of HUNDREDS of people including the teams that they play against.  A message was sent from another school, praising the coaching staff for their ability to be and teach others to be inclusive and non-judgmental.  Due to his sincerity, all who come into contact with him - his players, his coaching staff, opposing teams, his students, and his school family -- strive to be like him.  I think this says a lot about him because people don't strive to be like people who aren't AWESOME!

In conclusion, I hope this message has touched you the way that Coach Jennings has touched me and the lives of all that he comes into contact with.  I definitely think that this is a cause worth fighting because I truly feel as though he deserves the EXTRA MILE AWARD!!!  If we can make this happen, I'd really like to see all of his coaching staff be invited to the meeting and also his wife and daughter, maybe even his football players!  I know the he'd appreciate knowing how much everyone appreciates him and his hard work.