Community Outreach Event Wednesday, Sept 9th 11:30 - 12:30 Birch Park Virtual Open House Sept 15th 4-5:15 PM ON Campus SAT Test September 23rd 5

Thursday, May 8, 2014

ACTIVITIES Bulletin: A Call to Action/Get Hours Removed

Student Council is promoting a Call to Action in asking everyone if they can turn off their cell phone for one day, Thursday, May 8th. This is the result of a leadership lesson in which student council watched a youtube video about the pitfalls of social media and handheld devices. If you would like to answer this call to action, students can drop off your phones in the morning and pick them back up at the end of school. Students who participate will have discipline hours cleared for I.D. & tardy violations. This does not apply to other violations or Saturday Work Detail. Here are the procedures to participate:
1. Drop off your phones at the Auditorium Foyer or the Cafeteria Rotunda starting at 7:45 am (No tardy passes will be given due to participating). Students involved in AP testing can turn in their phone to Student Activities after AP Testing has ended.
2. A label with your name/I.D. will be placed on the phone. In return, the student will receive an hours removal sticker.
3. The phone must be a working phone, and we will call your number to ensure that it works. A list of participants will also be emailed to the faculty, who will be observing you to make sure that you are not using a phone. 

You can pick up your phone in Student Activities (M-141) after school until 4:00 pm. Students that have early dismissal may pick it up after 5th period. You will need to show a picture I.D. to retrieve your phone.