Tuesday, October 31, 2017
ACADEMICS: Take College Courses Now!!
Seniors who are interested in attending a technical college such as Midlands Tech, or students interested in taking dual credit college courses next semester or next year at either at Ridge View or R2i2 should take the FREE Accuplacer Placement Exam on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. Register online by clicking on the image. Students interested in taking the exam must register online by 5:00 PM on November 1st. Please contact Ms. Barnes (arbarnes@richland2.org) or Mr. Fewell (jfewell@richland2.org) by email or stop to see them in the Career Center.
Potential Dual Credit Courses: Intro to Sociology, Intro to Psychology, English 101 & 102, Intro to Criminal Justice, Business Law, and Public Speaking
ACADEMICS: R2i2 Teacher Visit RVH CAT Students
He also spoke on the 3D Printing his class designs and the technology involved. 3D printing is used for rapid prototyping, medical/dental applications, product analysis, development, and to create functional parts and materials. His students designed and currently print hands for children that are born without a hand or fingers. See picture…how cool! Developing a product that is actually used to help! If you are interested in taking a course at R2i2, please email Mrs. Little (zlittle@richland2.org) or visit her in C-66.
College Shirt Day Contest, Every Wednesday

- Wear your College Shirt EVERY Wednesday.
- Stop by D95 and put your name into the raffle.
- Get your picture taken to show your College Pride.
At the end of the day, 1 lucky winner will win a college T-shirt!
CAREERS: Nascar Motorsports Speedway Field Study November 14
The permission forms for the motorsports field study on November 14, 2017 are available in the Career Center. We will have an information session on careers, a tour of the NASCAR Museum and get to watch the pit crew practice. Students will stop at Concord Mills for lunch before returning to school. Please be reminded to read the permission form for additional information. There are only 45 slots available. Permission forms are due before November 6, 2017. There will be no exceptions because numbers must be given to the staff at the Speedway. Do not wait to complete your permission forms if you would like to go. If you have questions, please contact Aretha Barnes, Career Development Facilitator 699-2999 ext 84226 or arbarnes@richland2.org.
Spirit of Service Application Due Next Week
The Prudential Spirit of Community Service Awards is seeking young people who have made meaningful contributions to their community through volunteer service. All students in grades 6-12 are invited to apply online. One Ridge View applicant will be nominated for the President's Volunteer Service Award. The top volunteer will also move to the State Competition. Only one student from each state will receive $1,000, an engraved Silver medallion, and an all expense paid trip with a parent to Washington, DC for several days to attend the national awards ceremony. The deadline to apply is November 7th. If you are interested in learning more about this award and/or applying click the image.
Monday, October 30, 2017
Greenville Tech & Spartanburg Methodist Campus Tour, Nov 16

Cost: $20.00 includes lunch & transportation
Sign-Up in D95!
Help Create the Veterans Day Assembly Presentation
Ridge View High School would like to honor all of Veterans and Active Duty Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Coast Guardsmen:
Please contribute to our Veterans Day Assembly Presentation slideshow. To do so, please follow the directions below. You will need a personal Google account or you may work with your Ridge View student and use his/her account to create your family slide.
Please contribute to our Veterans Day Assembly Presentation slideshow. To do so, please follow the directions below. You will need a personal Google account or you may work with your Ridge View student and use his/her account to create your family slide.
- Click here to download the presentation in any format you choose by clicking File, Download as. Be sure the format you choose is one that you can use to edit the presentation.
- Choose the slide(e) that best describes your family member and delete all other slides. There is a slide for each branch of the military. You can choose to use the ones provided or create your own slide and background.
- Please include the following on each slide you create:
- Add picture(s) of the veteran or active duty soldier to the slide, preferably one that includes your Ridge View student. The slide show will be presented on a large screen so you want to use your best pictures.
- Name of the veteran or active duty service member
- Years of service
- OPTIONAL: Any wars or conflicts they served in or are currently serving.
- Please email your completed slide(s) to 10019946@richland2.org.
Francis Marion Interview Day, Nov 13
Interested in attending Francis Marion University? See Mrs. Aldighieri in the College Center to sign up for a one-on-one interview with a Francis Marion University Counselor. You will not only receive a priority admission decision, but the $41 application fee will also be waived for all students interviewed! You can receive your FMU application from Mrs. Aldigheiri as well.
Sunday, October 29, 2017
Staff Halloween Costume Contest
Students do not forget to vote for your favorite Halloween Costume. Staff members had a ball and lots of fun participating. Here are a few of your choices. Let your vote count.
ACADEMICS: Check out Teacher Cadet, Queen Trapp, Video
Scholars Academy Magnet for Business and Law Senior Queen Trapp has published her first book, a Latin ABC coloring book for pre-K called ABC's in Latin. The book was inspired by her work with RV Latin teacher Dr. Casey Moore and she hopes to bring her love for Latin to children all over. It is currently available on Amazon for $11.99 and includes free shipping! Trapp is also in Ridge View's Teacher Cadet program and a member of the Teacher Cadet National Honor Society. With the assistance from Ridge View's drama teacher, Mrs. Hearn, Trapp creates a video about her book. To view the video, click on the image.
ACADEMICS: Reminder Dual Credit Placement Exam, October 30th
ACCUPLACER will be given on October 30th. This is an integrated system of computer-adaptive multiple choice assessments designed to evaluate students’ skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. It is used to assess student preparedness for introductory credit-bearing college courses and makes it easier for advisors and counselors to determine whether a student is ready to take a college-level class, or if they should take transitional or developmental courses prior to enrolling. The School Counseling Department at Ridge View High School uses ACCUPLACER to assist with enrolling students in dual credit courses taught by Midlands Technical College professors. The courses are taught at Ridge View; and students who are successful in these courses will receive both high school and college credits. If you are interested in your child taking dual credit courses and want more information, please contact Mr. Fewell (jfewell@richland2.org or 803.699.2999 ext. 84227) or Ms. Barnes (arbarnes@richland2.org or ext. 84226) or in the Career Center.
Saturday, October 28, 2017
Activity: Trunk or Treat was a Success!
On behalf of the BETA Club and their sponsors Ms. Paige and Fennell, thank you for supporting TRunk or Treat. It was a fun-filled evening enjoyed by everyone.
ATHLETICS: Ridge View Cheer Places 2nd at Regions
Congratulations to our Ridge View Cheerleaders...They placed second at Regions meet held this past Wednesday in South Pointe These ladies have been having a great competitive season so far!
ATHLETICS: Golf Team Volunteers at First Tee of Columbia
On Thursday, October 19, 2017 Ridge View Boys Golf coach Seth J. Gilmer and his team volunteered at the First Tee of Columbia at the Clyburn Golf Center. Golfers Jacob Fink, Christian Wilson, and Brent Wilson helped the Pee Wee 5-6 year old class in all aspects of the game. The First Tee of Columbia!It was a great community service project and the young golfers along with the Blazers golf team had a great time!
ACADEMICS: USC Law School Mentors Scholars
It takes a village to raise a great Scholar! Meet Pamela Robinson, the chairperson of the USC Law School Pro Bono department. Ms. Robinson is one of the mentors for our Scholars Academy Business and Law junior class as they prepare for their upcoming visit to the South Carolina legislature to speak on children’s issues. We are grateful for this deep community involvement.
Career: Nascar Motorsports Field Study on November 14
The permission forms for the motorsports field study on November 14, 2017 are available in the Career Center. We will have an information session on careers, a tour of the NASCAR Museum and get to watch the pit crew practice. Students will stop at Concord Mills for lunch before returning to school. Please be reminded to read the permission form for additional information. There are only 45 slots available. Permission forms are due before November 6, 2017. There will be no exceptions because numbers must be given to the staff at the Speedway. Do not wait to complete your permission forms if you would like to go. If you have questions, please contact Aretha Barnes, Career Development Facilitator 699-2999 ext 84226 or arbarnes@richland2.org.
ACTIVITIES: Calling for Miss Ridge View Pageant Contestant
Did you miss the first interest meeting? No worries. Come and pick up an application packet in B-42. For more information, email Trenton Love at 10031071@richland2.org or talk with Ms. Harrison in B-42.
Friday, October 27, 2017
ATHLETICS: Senior Night Football Seating Arrangements, Oct 27th
We’re excited to host the second ever varsity football game on our campus (and the first on a Friday night, October 27!). All Richland 2 staff and SCHSL pass holders will enter Gate 4 (nearest the Highlands) and sit in the portable bleachers. Our band will be seated on the portable bleachers as well. Senior night festivities begin at 7:00 PM and kickoff is at 7:30 PM. Come make history with us and attend this game.
Please see the attached graphic that explains seating for this Friday night’s on campus football game.
ATHLETICS: Cross Country Heads to States
Come on out and cheer on our Cross Country Qualifiers as they head out to the State Championships on Saturday, October 28th at Sandhills/Clemson Extension. Meet starts at 9:00 AM and cost is $5.00. Good Luck, Blazer Cross Country
ARTS: Blazer Band Performs at State Competition
This coming Saturday, the Blazer Band will compete in its 21st consecutive marching band state championships. The event is hosted at Batesburg-Leesville HS and we will perform at 11:45am. We need as many fans in the stands supporting us, so I hope you will consider attending and supporting these outstanding students. Go Blazers!
ACADEMICS: Want to Earn College Credit Before Graduation?
ACCUPLACER will be given on October 30th. This is an integrated system of computer-adaptive multiple choice assessments designed to evaluate students’ skills in reading, writing, and mathematics. It is used to assess student preparedness for introductory credit-bearing college courses and makes it easier for advisors and counselors to determine whether a student is ready to take a college-level class, or if they should take transitional or developmental courses prior to enrolling. The School Counseling Department at Ridge View High School uses ACCUPLACER to assist with enrolling students in dual credit courses taught by Midlands Technical College professors. The courses are taught at Ridge View; and students who are successful in these courses will receive both high school and college credits. If you are interested in your child taking dual credit courses and want more information, please contact Mr. Fewell (jfewell@richland2.org or 803.699.2999 ext. 84227) or Ms. Barnes (arbarnes@richland2.org or ext. 84226) or in the Career Center.
Thursday, October 26, 2017
ATHLETICS: Seating Arrangements for Senior Night Football
We’re excited to host the second ever varsity football game on our campus(and the first on a Friday night!). All Richland 2 staff and SCHSL pass holders will enter Gate 4 (nearest the Highlands) and sit in the portable bleachers. Our band will be seated on the portable bleachers as well. Senior night festivities begin at 7:00 PM and kickoff is at 7:30 PM. Come make history with us and attend this game.
Please see the attached graphic that explains seating for this Friday night’s on campus football game.
ACADEMICS: Greenwood Genetics Bus Comes to Ridge View
Ms. Cannon's 3rd/4th Block did a Blood Typing Lab. They were given pig's blood to use, two petri dishes, and various serums to see which caused clotting to occur. Students were able to use micro-pipettes, were given a brief presentation on blood typing, and questions to answer about the lab. Every student enjoyed the Blood Typing Lab and were engaged, thinking, and answering questions when asked. The guest speakers from the Greenwood Genetics Bus did a fantastic job of facilitating the lesson and keeping students' attention throughout the class period. The day and lab was a resounding success.
ACADEMICS: Scholars Graduates Reunite for Advocacy Work
Columbia College Math & Science Day for Girls
Columbia College's Math and Science Day for High School Girls
Saturday, November 11, 2017 from 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM
Click the image to register online.
Registration deadline is Wednesday, November 1, 2017.
For more information regarding the event, visit https://columbiascmathandscienceday.weebly.com.
ACADEMICS: Scholars Freshmen Kick Off 2017 Inc! Partnership
For the second year, the Scholars Academy Magnet for Business and Law freshmen will partner with the Kelly Mill Middle School Inc! 7th graders on their Shark Tank business projects. The Scholars students serve as consultants as the 7th graders develop a product, design an advertising campaign and develop a budget for the product. This is an amazing opportunity for everyone involved as they learn together what it takes to make it in the business world!
Report Cards Distributed Next Week

Wednesday, October 25, 2017
ARTS:: Students' Artwork Showcases at the SC State Fair
39 Ridge View Art students have artwork on display at the South Carolina State Fair. Sativa Jones won an honorable mention for her 2D artwork
Ted Akahori, Kyra Alexander, Tyler Altman, Samira Alvarez, Makayla Blume, Lauren Bonner, Joyce Brooks, Amiyah Bush, Jakayla Cornish, Meleke Dennis, Tiffani Enwright, Hunter Franklin, Jessica Green, Abbagail Griffin, Alexis Guess, Asha Haggray, Dequira Hargrove, Gabby Hewitt, Zyon Hodge, Elizabeth Infante, Kamryn Jones, Hudson Kane, Daniel Korn, Averiona McDonald, Dominique Mosely, Jasmine Nelson, RJ Nelson, Zuleika Panti, Shy’kelzius Robinson, Briea Simmons, Makayla Sims, Crystal Smith, Tahja Stephens, Darnell Thomas. Rhiannon Thompson, Ananda Waiters, Isabella Walker, Lacey Ward, and Trinity Yates
ACADEMICS: SC High School Writing Contest Winners Announced
The University of South Carolina Honors College and University of South Carolina Press have announced the winners of the fourth annual South Carolina High School Writing Contest. Grand Judges Pam Durban and Nikky Finney judged the writings of the semi-finalists, 71 juniors and seniors, each of whom submitted two pieces of writing.
In the first writing sample, students used a variety of genres to answer the question “How should we improve the state of South Carolina?” For the second stage of the contest, students traveled to the USC campus in Columbia and wrote an impromptu piece about an inspiring book or about where they come from in terms of people, place, and attitudes.
Class of 2016 Scholars Academy Magnet for Business and Law Madeline Hahn received an Honarable Mention. Along with Hahn, Grace Justice, Mainaiya Myers, and Jesni Sam will have their creative writings published by the University of South Carolina Press under its Young Palmetto Books imprint. Justice, Myers, and Sam are also in Class of 2016 Scholars Academy Magnet for Business and Law.
Richland Two Facilities Update
Dr. Baron Davis, Superintendent of Schools for Richland Two will facilitate a discussion pertaining to Richland Two facilities at Ridge View High School on Wednesday, October 25, at 6:30 PM.
Why are we having this meeting? This meeting helps to address multiple aspects of the 2017-2020 Strategic Plan. As we pursue the vision of being a premier district, we must ensure our facilities support a learning and working environment of excellence. Engaging you, our partner in that vision, in meaningful communications is an important step in being premier in all that we do.
We hope you can join us on Oct. 25 at 6:30 p.m. at Ridge View High School in the cafeteria.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Academics: Why Do Endangered Species Matter?
Students in Ms.Pierce's Advanced Placement Environmental Science class researched endangered species. Students were able to articulate the purpose of the animal and speak to the potential impact on the environment should the species became extinct. The presentations were informative and creative.
ARTS: Blazer Band to Perform at State Competition
Saturday, October 28th, the Blazer Band will compete in its 21st consecutive marching band state championships. The event is hosted at Batesburg-Leesville HS and we will perform at 11:45 AM. We need as many fans in the stands supporting us, so I hope you will consider attending and supporting these outstanding students. Go Blazers!
ATHLETICS: Senior Night Football Game at RVHS
Ridge View High School will be hosting a home Varsity Football game on campus for just the second time in school history this Friday night. Ridge View takes on Lancaster in a Region III-AAAA matchup. Kickoff is set for 7:30 PM. It’s a very special opportunity for our team to play on campus. Please plan on joining us for this event!
Friday night also marks Senior Night. Tickets will be presold Friday between 12-1 in the main office at Ridge View High School for $6. Gates and ticket booths will open at 6:30pm Friday night. Tickets are $7 Friday night. Please note that seating is limited so get there early.
Richland 2 staff members and SCHSL pass holders will use Gate 4 (nearest the Highlands neighborhood) to enter the game and sit on the portable bleachers on that end of the field.
Fun fact: This will be the first time in history that a Varsity Football game will be played on a Friday night as last year’s game vs. Ninety Six was moved to Thursday night because of weather.
Ridge View moved to 6-3 overalls and 2-2 in Region III-AAAA with a big 28-3 win over Westwood on Friday night at Spirit Communications Park.
ACADEMICS: Scholars Magnet Lightbourne Earns Gold on Spanish Exam
Congratulations to Scholars Academy Magnet for Business and Law Senior Malika Lightbourne who earned a Gold rating on her National Spanish Exam. Lightbourne now has the opportunity to apply for travel grants and Scholarships through the organization. Special thanks to World Languages department leader, Senora Bucheli for mentoring her growth for the last four years!
Street Eatz Food Truck Comes to Ridge View
The long awaited time has come. The Street Eatz food truck is scheduled to arrive at Ridge View during lunch in the bus parking lot Monday, October 30th. If they can increase their team size, they will make weekly visits to Ridge View. The Fall 2017 menu includes:
Meats: Soft Tacos (2), Jamaican jerk chicken strips, Pork Carnitas, Picadillo with thin sliced beef
Sides (2): Frijoles Charros (stewed Pintos), Aztec Corn, Broccoli/Lime salad with cilantro, Baked apple crisp
Toppings: Shredded cheese, Fresh salsa, Diced onion, Cilantro
Beverages: Bottled water, Milk (1% & Chocolate)
Monday, October 23, 2017
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