Thursday, May 31, 2018
ACADEMICS: Scholars Seniors Complete AP Capstone

Graduation Picture Packages Available
Yes, you can get a picture of your student walking across the stage during the graduation ceremony. A Strawbridge photographer will take pictures at the Ridge View Commencement ceremony of each graduate as they walk off the stage. Pictures can be purchased pictures online at www.strawbridge.net. Please enter code 103822 after you access the website.
Picture packages are also available and range in cost from $20 - $30. For more information, contact Mrs. Leslie High-Washington by phone at (803) 699-2999 ext 84363 or by email at lhigh@richland2.org.
Only 20 Yearbooks Left - Get Yours Today
Flash Sale! There are 20 copies left of the Ridge View Yearbook available for you to purchase. Don’t miss the last chance to purchase a 2017 - 2018 yearbook! You can purchase a yearbook in the main office. For more information contact Mrs. High-Washington at lhigh@richland2.org or call (803) 699-2999 ext 84363. Hurry! The books will go fast! The cost is $75.00.
COLLEGE: Senior Scholarhip Totals
Please turn in ALL of your College Acceptance, Scholarship and Grant offers to Mrs. Aldighieri in D95 (whether you will attend that school or not). These offers are reported to the School District and to the South Carolina Department of Education.
You are the only ones with access to these important numbers that reflect all of your accomplishments and hard work over the past four years. Remember: It's your time to shine!
Our current total: $15,585,955.00
Let's See These Numbers Rise!
Wednesday, May 30, 2018
ATHLETICS: Physical Day Open to All Students, May 30th.

Tuesday, May 29, 2018
ATHLETICS: RVH Golf Classic, June 12th
You are invited to attend and support the Ridge View Golf Classic benefiting the RVHS Athletic Department on Tuesday, June 12th at The Spur at Northwoods. It will be a great opportunity for you to play a great golf course while helping Ridge View Athletics!
Ridge View High School has long been known as having first-class athletic programs, but that does not come without much needed support from our community. Funds raised from this tournament will go directly to the RVH Athletic Department and will aid them in purchasing much needed equipment and help with other vital needs for their programs.
The entry fee is $50 per golfer or $200 per team. Click the image to download the full tournament brochure. Click here to access the online registration. Several Sponsorship Packages are available for this event. Click here to see those packages. More information is available at RidgeViewSports.com.
Monday, May 28, 2018
ACADEMICS: Institute of Health Science Magnet Grads
Allied Health and Bio-Health students received their stole for completing the Institute of HealthSciences Magnet Program. Students completed the Project Lead the Way curriculum while also learning world-class skills. The celebration was held at Brooklyn Northeast Baptist Church. Thank you to parents and staff who have supported these children throughout the duration of high school.
Sunday, May 27, 2018
- Memorial Day - School Holiday
Tuesday, May 29
- Spring EOC - US History
Wednesday, May 30
- No Late Start
- Spring EOC Make-Ups
Thursday, May 31
- 4th Period Exam
Friday, June 1
- 5th & 2nd Period Exams
ACTIVITIES: Class of 2018 Decision Day
Saturday, May 26, 2018
ATHLETICS: Lady Blazers Basketball Fundraiser, June 2
Help support Ridge View Girls Basketball by visiting their Fish Fry on Saturday, June 2! The Fish Fry will run from 10am-5pm at the Ridge View High School Bus Loop.
Friday, May 25, 2018
PTSO Fundraiser: Yeti Drawing's Last Day
Minimum Donation: $5
Unlimited chances to donate.
Tickets can be purchased online (click on image), in the Front Rotunda, or from a PTSO member. All proceeds go towards the educational fund for Ridge View students.
Serious Youmg Writers Workshops for High School Girls

Click on the image to access the online application form. Each workshop, one on writing poetry and one on writing science fiction, is capped at 18 students and they have filled up on the past.
Thursday, May 24, 2018
ACADEMICS: Teacher Cadet Application Deadline TOMORROW, May 25th
The Teacher Cadet program has reopened its application process for next school year. Any rising Junior or Senior interested in applying should see Mr. Tinneny in room B-33. The deadline is May 25th.
Teacher Cadet is a Dual-Credit course, partnering with University of South Carolina Columbia. Any student that completes the course with a “C” or better will earn 3 credit hours from USC for FREE. Grades earned in this class will be weighted on the AP scale. All interested students should have a minimum 3.0 (weighted) GPA.
Please feel free to email Mr. Tinneny at mtinneny@richland2.org for more information. You can also learn more about the Teacher Cadet Program at teachercadets.com or click on the image.
COLLEGE: Senior Scholarship Totals
Please turn in ALL of your College Acceptance, Scholarship and Grant offers to Mrs. Aldighieri in D95 (whether you will attend that school or not). These offers are reported to the School District and to the South Carolina Department of Education.
You are the only ones with access to these important numbers that reflect all of your accomplishments and hard work over the past four years. Remember: It's your time to shine!
Our current total: $10,841,303.00
Let's See These Numbers Rise!
COLLEGES: College of Charleston Summer Preparatory Programs
Calling all rising Juniors & Seniors: College of Charleston is offering Summer Preparatory Programs.
Junior Project Dates: June 24 - June 28
Senior Project Dates: July 15 - July 20
Cost: $150.00 and includes food, lodging and all activities). Partial scholarships are available to those who qualify.
For more information, click on the image and scroll down to Multicultural Student Events or call 843.953.4954.
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
No Late Start Wednesdays
Tomorrow, May 23rd
Wednesday, May 30th
Wednesday, June 6th
Ridge View will operate on our Regular Bell Schedule.
ATHLETICS: Physical Day Open to All Students, May 30th.

Monday, May 21, 2018
ACADEMIC: Superintendent Dr. Davis, Salutes Ridge View's AP and Junior Scholars
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Community: State Superintendent Molly Spearman Host Military Honor Cord Ceremony
Congratulations: Blazers Enlisted in Armed Services
Superintendent Molly Spearman recognized high school seniors who will be entering the military with red, white, and blue graduation honor cords during a ceremony. those students who have chosen to serve our country by enlisting in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Superintendent Molly Spearman recognized high school seniors who will be entering the military with red, white, and blue graduation honor cords during a ceremony. those students who have chosen to serve our country by enlisting in the U.S. Armed Forces.
ATHLETICS: NCAA Information Night, May 21
Join us on Monday, May 21 at 6pm in the RVHS Multipurpose Room for NCAA Information Night. There is an AWESOME lineup of experts scheduled to appear to help you and your family navigate the NCAA recruitment process!
Ms. Jennifer Bell, Coker College Associate Athletic Director for Internal Operations, will discuss initial eligibility requirements, national letter of intent, recruiting for sophomores and juniors, and the expectations of playing sports on the college level for Division II & Division III sports. Mr. Oliver “Bud” Pough, RVHS Alumni and Clemson University Compliance Coordinator, will discuss same topics for Division I.
Saturday, May 19, 2018
ATHLETICS: Don't Miss Out on Fish Fry Fundraiser
Help support Ridge View Girls Basketball by visiting their Fish Fry on Saturday, June 2! The Fish Fry will run from 10am-5pm at the Ridge View High School Bus Loop.
Friday, May 18, 2018
COMMUNITY: PTSO Fundraiser - YETI Cooler
The Ridge View High School Parent Teacher Student Organization is accepting donations for a drawing of a white YETI Tundra 35 Cooler and two complimentary 20 oz. stainless steel Rambler Tumblers until May 25th.
Minimum Donation: $5
Unlimited chances to donate.
Tickets can be purchased online (click on image), in the Front Rotunda, or from a PTSO member. All proceeds go towards the educational fund for Ridge View students.
ACADEMICS: Teacher Cadet Application Process Reopens
The Teacher Cadet program has reopened its application process for next school year. Any rising Junior or Senior interested in applying should see Mr. Tinneny in room B-33. The deadline is May 25th.
Teacher Cadet is a Dual-Credit course, partnering with University of South Carolina Columbia. Any student that completes the course with a “C” or better will earn 3 credit hours from USC for FREE. Grades earned in this class will be weighted on the AP scale. All interested students should have a minimum 3.0 (weighted) GPA.
Please feel free to email Mr. Tinneny at mtinneny@richland2.org for more information. You can also learn more about the Teacher Cadet Program at teachercadets.com or click on the image.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
ATHLETICS: Physical Day Open to All Students, May 30th.

ATHLETICS: Cheer Camp Dates Announced
The Ridge View Cheerleading program will be holding a Cheerleading camp for ages 4-13 on June 11-13 right here at Ridge View High School. Contact Coach Bracy at rvhcheer@gmail.com for more information. The registration form will posted on the blog very soon.
COLLEGES: Senior Scholarship Totals
Please turn in ALL of your College Acceptance, Scholarship and Grant offers to Mrs. Aldighieri in D95 (whether you will attend that school or not). These offers are reported to the School District and to the South Carolina Department of Education.
You are the only ones with access to these important numbers that reflect all of your accomplishments and hard work over the past four years. Remember: It's your time to shine!
Our current total: $10,841,303.00
Let's See These Numbers Rise!
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Class of 2018 Chromebook Collection
Chromebook Collection for the Class of 2018 began Monday, May 14th, and all devices must be turned in by the end of the day on Thursday, May 17th to Room D-93. Seniors must turn in their assigned chromebook. Chromebooks can not be turned in by someone else or dropped off without it being checked first. In order to receive the PURPLE TICKET for graduation, all chromebooks must be check our Mrs. Hunter, our Technology Learning Coach. Any Graduating Senior who has not turned in a Chromebook by May 17th, will be billed for the full price for the missing device - $310.05. For more information, please contact Mrs. Hunter at chunter@richland2.org.
RV Chromebook Summer Take Home Information
Ridge View High School students will participate in Richland Two’s summer take- home program for Chromebooks this year. This means all students not graduating will be able to take their chromebooks home for the summer. Below is some basic information about our summer take-home program:
- Graduating seniors are not eligible to participate in the summer take-home program.
- Students transferring schools or withdrawing must turn in their chromebooks and chargers by Wednesday, June 6th, the last day of underclassmen exams.
- Any underclassmen chromebook that needs major repairs must be submitted by May 18th so that it is ready to take home for the summer.
- The Protection Plan covers one incident of of accidental damage from Aug 22, 2017 to August 31, 2018.
- A second or subsequent accidental damage, incident, loss, or theft is not covered by the premium; and the student will be responsible for the full cost of repair or replacement.
- If the premium was not paid or has already been used this school year, students can still take home Chromebooks with the understanding that they are responsible for any damage.
- If you do not wish for your child to participate in the summer take home program, please contact Mrs. Cheryl Hunter in writing by email at chunter@richland2.org. Please include your child's full name, grade, and ID number in the email.
RCSD Leadership Camp, July 9 - 19

Problem Solving Skills, Conflict Resolution, and other things that help all parties come to a peaceful resolution of disputes. Job Interview skills and how to dress for success, students will be given various techniques for landing a job and participate in mock interviews in wherever career field they choose. Students are given chances to have their voices heard on a number of current event subjects as well as learn how to participate in today’s political arena. In summary the Leadership Camp teaches students skills that are not taught in school that are necessary for them to become productive members of society in today’s world and the future.
Click on the image to view Summer Camp dates and registration information.
ATHLETICS: NCAA Information Night, May 21st
Join us on Monday, May 21 at 6pm in the RVHS Multipurpose Room for NCAA Information Night. There is an AWESOME lineup of experts scheduled to appear to help you and your family navigate the NCAA recruitment process!
Ms. Jennifer Bell, Coker College Associate Athletic Director for Internal Operations, will discuss initial eligibility requirements, national letter of intent, recruiting for sophomores and juniors, and the expectations of playing sports on the college level for Division II & Division III sports. Mr. Oliver “Bud” Pough, RVHS Alumni and Clemson University Compliance Coordinator, will discuss same topics for Division I.
Tuesday, May 15, 2018
ACADEMICS: 2nd Semester EOC Exam Schedule

Students taking the EOC this month will receive email from Mrs. Myers with the testing schedule and link to the online training tools. Students must bring their chromebooks (fully charged) to testing. We have a limted number of chromebooks available. Students who participate in the BYOD and have chromebooks in repair will be given priority of the loaners we have available. We wish all students good luck on their exams.
- May 16: English 1 Writing
- May 17: U.S. History (Seniors ONLY)
- May 21st: English 1 Multiple Choice
- May 22 & 23: Algebra 1 & Intermediate Algebra
- May 24: Biology 1
- May 29: U.S. History
ACADEMICS: English 1 Writing End-of-Course, May 16th

Sample TDA passages along with South Carolina student responses, which were scored using the SC EOCEP TDA Scoring Guidelines, are now available online. Please click on the image and go to Test Tutorials to access these questions on the SC State Department of Education. Students can also access EOCEP online training tools on https://wbte.drcedirect.com/SC/portals/sc, which will only work using Google Chrome.
Students will need to bring their fully charged chromebook to EOC testing since we have a limited number of loaner chromebooks available for EOC testing.
- Senior Chromebook Collection
- Senior Exams
- Boys Golf 4A State Tournament
- 8 AM - 12 PM: AP Calculus Exams
- 12 - 3:30 PM: AP French & Computer Science A Exams
Wednesday, May 16th
- Senior Chromebook Collection
- Senior Exams
- English 1 Writing EOC
- 8 AM - 12 PM: AP English Language/Composition Exam
- 12 - 3:30 PM: AP Macroeconomics Exam
- 6 - 8 PM: SFA Senior Exhibition - Auditiorium
Thursday, May 17th
- Senior Chromebook Collection
- Senior Exams
- U.S. History (Seniors ONLY) EOC
- 8 AM: AP World History Exam
- 12 PM: AP Statistics Exam
- 1 PM: Yearbook Unveiling - Cafe Rotunda
- 7 PM: Very Loud Chamber Music Recital - Auditorium
Friday, May 18th
- Senior Makeup Exams
- 8 AM: AP Human Geography & Microeconomics Exams
- 12 PM: AP Latin Exam
- 6 PM: Softball - Multipurpose Room
Saturday, May 19th
- ADA Dance Recital
- 11 AM: YLE Mother/Daughter Tea - Multipurpose Rm
- 5 PM: Band Banquet - Cafeteria
ACADEMICS: Scholars Magnet Senior Bookert Enlists
May 11th was a very special day for the Scholars Academy Magnet for Business and Law Senior, Michael Bookert. He was sworn in to the U.S. Air Force, by General Charles Baldwin.
ATHLETICS: Girls Track & Field Are 2018 AAAA State Champs
With 64.5 points the Ridge View Girls Track and Field Team has won the 2018 AAAA State Championship! This State Championship marks the second for Ridge View this school year.
This caps an amazing season by the girls that saw them also win the Region Championship. Click on the image to view the full results. are available at scrunners.com.
Sunday, May 13, 2018
Tell Me A Story: Making Connections and Finding Support through Literature
TMAS is an initiative created to empower our military children by using literature and their own stories. On Sunday, May 5th Ridge View's Student2Student partnered with the newly founded Parent To Parent Program for Military Families. Major General Livingston, current Adjutant General of South Carolina, and his wife Barbara brought the story Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type alive for the children of armed forces members in the area. Blazers Jerrod Haynes, Elise Lee, and Dalicia Blanding volunteered by helping at the craft, picture and snack stations. Ms. Sales-McMillian, RVH English teacher, and Mrs. Burley, RVH School Counselor and S2S sponsor, facilitated small groups after the lively reading of the story. Each family received a copy of the book authored by Doreen Cronin. A grand time was had by all.
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