Community Outreach Event Wednesday, Sept 9th 11:30 - 12:30 Birch Park Virtual Open House Sept 15th 4-5:15 PM ON Campus SAT Test September 23rd 5

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Intruder Drill Scheduled for Friday, August 31st

Ridge View will  have an Intruder Drill on Friday, August 31st.  While the drill is in process our school will be placed on lockdown which means that no one will be allowed to enter or exit the building.

We are legally obligated to have a minimum of two intruder drills per year and practicing helps ensure our students are prepared in the event that we have to place our school on lockdown in an actual emergency situation. 

There will be no weapons involved in this exercise. However, our goal is to provide a drill that is as realistic as possible to help employees and students know what to do in the case of a real emergency. We will have school counselors, our school psychologist, our school nurse and administrators on standby to address any of our students or employees during and after the drill.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mr. Ross at 803.699.2999 ext. 84504 or by email at