Click the image to watch Coach Rosefield's video |
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Kia's $5,000 STEAM Scholarship Due TODAY, April 30th
- High School Senior planning to pursue a degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, or Math (STEAM)
- Cumulative GPA of 3.8 or higher
Deadline: Thursday, April 30th
Click the image to apply online.
$3000 Congressional Art Scholarship Due TOMORROW, May 1st

All submissions must be delivered to our office by MAY 1st.
Click the image for more information
Questions: Email Sam Orr at
Travis Watkins Scholarship Due TODAY, April 30th
The Travis W. Watkins Tax Resolution & Accounting Firm is offering a one-time $1,000 award for any current or soon-to-be student who has had his or her family’s life altered because of tax controversies (back taxes owed, audits, etc.). Applicants must submit an essay explaining why they deserve the scholarship. Submissions should be no more than 5 paragraphs and 600 words. The winning submission will be one that clearly conveys a non-fictional story of your life or someone that you know before and after an IRS or OK Tax Commission setback.
Application Deadline: April 30th and December 31st every year.
Click the image to apply
$500 Scholarship Sponsored by the Class of 2000 Due Tomorrow!
Ridge View's Class of 2000 wants to celebrate its 20th graduation anniversary in a big way!! Members have developed a scholarship and invite the Class of 2020 to apply. Applications are due TOMORROW, May 1st. Check out all of the details by clicking on the image. Contact Ms. Fennell at with any questions.
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Need to Request a Refund for Canceled School Events?
Do you need to request a refund for canceled school field studies and other events? If so, log into your Parent Portal account and complete the Refund Request Form. This form allows parents to request refunds electronically without having to contact school staff. If you have questions about your Parent Portal account or need help with setting it up, please email Mrs. Mobley at
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Calling All Seniors & Juniors
Are you WORKING?
Are you getting credit for WORKING?
Wanting to DECORATE your graduation cap?
Did you know you can receive high school credit if you are working? Working an off-campus job also recognizes you as College and Career Ready. And if that is not enough, you'll get to decorate your graduation cap if 95% of the Class of 2020 met the College and Career Ready requirements.
If you answered YES to the first question, please contact Ms. Harmon immediately by email ( or by text (803-787-5476) to get your Work-Based learning credit. Also click on the image to print and complete the application for Work-Based Learning Credit
Senior Hampton Receives $1,000 College Board Scholarship
25 students from across the country earned a total $1 million for completing the six steps laid out in the College Board Opportunity Scholarships program. We are pleased to announce that Senior Ananda Hampton won a $1,000 scholarship for practicing for the SAT on Khan Academy.
In addition to the 25 $40,000 Complete Your Journey scholarship recipients, nearly 4,000 students from 48 states earned $3.6 million for completing one or more college planning steps. Of that group, an additional 49 scholarship awards went to students from South Carolina totaling $40,0000.
Why is this important? The College Board Opportunity Scholarships program is now open to all Class of 2021 students. Sign up today and complete the first step, Build Your College List, to be eligible for $500 scholarships.
Monday, April 27, 2020
ACTIVITIES: Student Council Applications Are Due TOMORROW!

SC Youth Collective Now Accepting Applications
South Carolina Youth Collective (SCYC) Summer Fellows program is coming up this summer, from June 8-12th, 2020. The program will be a week-long virtual fellowship where teens will learn about social justice, civil rights, and activism in order to start a change-making project in their own communities.
The SCYC Fellows are social justice and civics minded high school students from across South Carolina. Students will participate in community building exercises, learn civil rights history through activities and virtual field trips, plan to lead a workshop on race and reconciliation, and learn how to plan and implement a project in their home community.
Rising freshman, sophomores, juniors, and seniors are eligible to apply. This project is generously supported by the Knight Foundation Fund at Central Carolina Community Foundation and the Lipscomb Family Foundation. There is no charge to participate.
$500 Scholarship Application Due June 1st
Epsilon Beta Chapter
Educational Scholarship Program
Award: Subject to availability of funds, up to $500 may be awarded for the school year
Eligibility Requirements
- Currently a graduating high school senior or a post-secondary student
- High school or post-secondary grade point average of 2.5 or above unweighted GPA
- Currently a resident of one of the States comprising the Mid-Eastern Region of Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
- Admitted to or enrolled in an accredited college or university at the time of application. Proof of admission/enrollment must be submitted with this application. Both full-time and part-time students are eligible for nomination.
- Former or current participants in an Eta Phi Beta sponsored program or organization may receive preference. Applicants may reapply annually.
scholarship consideration:
- Completed application form
- High school and/or any post-secondary school transcripts
- Two letters of reference from persons who are not relatives of the candidate. The letters should address the suitability of the candidate for the award, nature of the relationship with the candidate and length of time of the relationship. Letters must come from two of the following three:
- An academic advisor, academic counselor or recent instructor
- A leader of a church or community service organization with which the applicant is associated.
- A supervisor at a job or volunteer position, or any personal reference of the applicant's choosing.
Submit all of the above items in a single envelope by June 1st
Epsilon Beta Chapter of Eta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
c/o President Harriett Shepherd
449 Indigo Ridge Drive
Columbia, SC 29229.
District Scholarships Due THIS WEEK, May 1st
The deadline date of April 24 has been changed to May 1. Completed scholarship applications can be mailed to the mailing address listed in the applications. Students can also email completed applications to Martha Jones at If a student is applying for multiple scholarships please send each application separately and put the name of the scholarship in the subject line of the email.
Click the links below to access the application information for each scholarship.
Please note the applications still list April 24 as the deadline
but the deadline has been extended to May 1.
Sunday, April 26, 2020
ACADEMICS: Midlands Tech Admissions Update
Despite current campus closures, the Midlands Tech Admissions and Testing team has some exciting news to share.
- Admissions counselors are available to meet virtually! If interested in attending MTC, register for one of their Virtual Quick Start events.
- Application fees are waived through May 15th. Contact Admissions by email at to get started.
- Virtual testing is now available! If you need to take the MTC Placement Test, click the image more infomation on virtual testing.
AP Exam Updates
- 45-minute exams instead of the normal 3 hours.
- No multiple choice! The exam will be entirely comprised of free response questions (FRQs).
- Exams will NOT include any content typically covered after early March.
- Exams can be taken online.
- College credit intact: Colleges say they are on board with this exam approach, and there’s precedent for them accepting shorter exams in emergencies.
- Exam Dates: May 11 - May 26. Contact your teacher to find out the specific date and time for your exam.
Check out the online AP exam resources now available.
- AP English, Math, Science or Computer Science: National Math & Science Initiative (NMSI) A password is required. Contact your AP teacher for this information
- All AP Courses: AP Online Classes & Review Sessions
Kia STEAM Scholarship Due THIS WEEK, April 30th
- High School Senior planning to pursue a degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, or Math (STEAM)
- Cumulative GPA of 3.8 or higher
Deadline: Thursday, April 30th
Click the image to apply online.
Need a Chromebook Charger?
Chromebook Repair/Loaner or Replacement Chargers
Dent Middle, Longleaf Middle, and Polo Road Elementary
8 AM - 4 PM Monday - Friday
To check out a replacement device, students must present a photo ID. If students do not have a photo ID, parents can show their photo ID. Please remember these are district technicians and they do not know students or parents.
Damage devices will be accepted and a ticket will be created by the technician. If the shutdown is still in effect, the district will decide how to recover the loaner devices and return the originals. Please review the Richland Two RUP and Terms of Agreement regarding damage, loss, and theft policy and charges.
Kajeet Hotspots are currently unavailable. Spectrum is offering two (2) free months of internet and wifi services to all NEW customers in households with Pre-K to 12 grades or college students who need remote education. They are also waiving installation or pre-payment fees. For more information, contact Spectrum at 855.243.8892.
Click the image to more details about the district's eLearning technology support. If you have any questions, please contact our Technology Learning Coach, Mrs. Hunter by email at
Saturday, April 25, 2020
ACADEMICS: Senior Sumter Participates in STEM Signing Day
Senior Irvin Sumter was recognized by Tallo's STEM Signing Day sponsored by Boeing Manufacturing. Irvin has been a part of the Carolina Alliance for Technology program with a focus in engineering since his freshman year. After graduation, he plans to attend Columbia International University in the fall majoring in business administration. He will run track as well for the university. Click the image to view the STEM Signing Day program. Congrats and Best Wishes to Irvin!
$3,000 Scholarship App Due May 1st

All submissions must be delivered to our office by MAY 1st.
Click the image for more information
Questions: Email Sam Orr at
Students with an expected Spring/Summer 2020 graduation date who initially enroll full time at an NCAA school in 2020-21 will be academically eligible to receive athletics scholarship, practice, and compete in the first year of full-time enrollment if they meet the following criteria:
Division I
- Meet the core-course progression requirement for NCAA-approved core courses (10 core units, 7 of which must be in English, math or science) before start of the 7th semester; AND
- Present a 2.300 or higher core-course GPA in such courses.
Division II
- Complete 10 NCAA-approved core course units before the start of the 7th semester; AND
- Present a 2.200 or higher core-course GPA in such courses.
Friday, April 24, 2020
ACADEMICS: Notify College Board TODAY (Friday, April 24th) of Tech Issues
Do you have any issues with the device you are using for AP Testing or general internet issues? If so please click the image. TODAY, Friday, April 24th is the last day to notify College Board of any Tech or Internet issues.
VirtualSC Final Exam Updates
VirtualSC has made the decision to waive the proctored final exam requirement for all students enrolled in a VirtualSC course that will be ending in the Spring 2020 semester. All VirtualSC teachers will issue a final course grade based solely upon the student’s coursework. Students should still follow all pacing provided to them by their teacher at the beginning of the course. Students should still continue to submit work and remain engaged in their course and communicate regularly with their teachers.
If students have legitimate issues accessing their course from home, but they must communicate directly with their teacher to develop a plan to complete the course. At this time, Spring VirtualSC courses are scheduled to end on Sunday, April 26, 2020 as originally scheduled at the start of the semester.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
$1,000 Scholarship Due TOMORROW, April 24th

Minimum GPA of 3.0
SC High School African American Senior
Not related to a director of the Golden Door Foundation
Deadline: April 24, 2020
Click the image to apply online.
Rotary Club of Blythewood Scholarship App Due TOMORROW
The Rotary Club of Blythewood announced this morning that they will be offering FIVE $2000 scholarships this year. Students who reside in the 29016 zip code area are eligible to apply. The deadline is April 24, 2020. The application can be found on the Richland Two website or you can click the image.
$500 Scholarship Due Next Week!
Ridge View's Class of 2000 wants to celebrate its 20th graduation anniversary in a big way!! Members have developed a scholarship and invite the Class of 2020 to apply. Applications are due on May 1st. Check out all of the details by clicking on the image. Contact Ms. Fennell at with any questions.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Tuesday, April 21, 2020
ACADEMICS: Have You Checked Out AP Remote Learning?
Click the image to log into your College Board AP account (or create one) and see how College Board provides the following:
- Highlighted free AP live classes on every student's homepage, and added links to recorded classes on key topics and review concepts.
- Enabled all free-response questions to be taken by students at home on any device, without requiring the LockDown Browser.
- Provided optional, self-paced student practice, with free-response questions to help students practice their knowledge and skills as they prepare for the exam. Students can see scoring criteria from past exams to help revise their responses.
- Added each student's written or uploaded response to their student report, so they can view their response alongside scores and get feedback from teachers.
- Helped students stay signed in, especially during online tests.
Ms. Fennell Welcomes Everyone Back
Welcome Back Blazers!!
Hope you enjoyed your Spring Break.
Click on the image to hear the message from Ms. Fennell
Click on the image to hear the message from Ms. Fennell
Monday, April 20, 2020
Richland Library's Resources During COVID-19
The Richland Library Staff are working hard to maintain a list of resources to help you during COVID-19. Here are a few helpful links from their website. Click the name of each resource to access the website.
Resources for Jobseekers
Small Business Support
- Digital Resources for Small Business and Entrepreneurship
- COVID-19 Business Resources for Creative Entrepreneurs
Please click on the image for additional resources. visit our website for additional resources.
$1000 Scholarship Due April 30th
The Travis W. Watkins Tax Resolution & Accounting Firm is offering a one-time $1,000 award for any current or soon-to-be student who has had his or her family’s life altered because of tax controversies (back taxes owed, audits, etc.). Applicants must submit an essay explaining why they deserve the scholarship. Submissions should be no more than 5 paragraphs and 600 words. The winning submission will be one that clearly conveys a non-fictional story of your life or someone that you know before and after an IRS or OK Tax Commission setback.
Application Deadline: April 30th and December 31st every year.
Click the image to apply
Sunday, April 19, 2020
ACADEMICS: AP Exams In May Are Still On!!!
What Do You Need To Know?
- 45-minute exams instead of the normal 3 hours.
- No multiple choice! The exam will be entirely comprised of free response questions (FRQs).
- Exams will NOT include any content typically covered after early March.
- Exams can be taken online.
- College credit intact: Colleges say they are on board with this exam approach, and there’s precedent for them accepting shorter exams in emergencies.
- Exam Dates: May 11 - May 26. Contact your teacher to find out the specific date and time for your exam.
Check out the online AP exam resources now available.
- AP English, Math, Science or Computer Science: National Math & Science Initiative (NMSI) A password is required. Contact your AP teacher for this information
- All AP Courses: AP Online Classes & Review Sessions
One Last Video for the Road...
Just wanted to make you laugh...
Hating that we can't laugh with you,
We hope you enjoyed your Spring Break!!!
Replacement Chargers & Chromebook Loaners Available at 3 Schools
Chromebook Repair/Loaner or Replacement Chargers
Dent Middle, Longleaf Middle, and Polo Road Elementary
8 AM - 4 PM Monday - Friday
To check out a replacement device, students must present a photo ID. If students do not have a photo ID, parents can show their photo ID. Please remember these are district technicians and they do not know students or parents.
Damage devices will be accepted and a ticket will be created by the technician. If the shutdown is still in effect, the district will decide how to recover the loaner devices and return the originals. Please review the Richland Two RUP and Terms of Agreement regarding damage, loss, and theft policy and charges.
Kajeet Hotspots are currently unavailable. Spectrum is offering two (2) free months of internet and wifi services to all NEW customers in households with Pre-K to 12 grades or college students who need remote education. They are also waiving installation or pre-payment fees. For more information, contact Spectrum at 855.243.8892.
Click the image to more details about the district's eLearning technology support. If you have any questions, please contact our Technology Learning Coach, Mrs. Hunter by email at
$5,000 STEAM Scholarship Due April 30
- High School Senior planning to pursue a degree in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, or Math (STEAM)
- Cumulative GPA of 3.8 or higher
Deadline: Thursday, April 30th
Click the image to apply online.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
ACADEMICS: June SAT Cancelled

If it’s safe from a public health standpoint, they'll provide weekend SAT administrations every month through the end of the calendar year, beginning in August. This includes a new administration in September and the previously scheduled tests on August 29, October 3, November 7, and December 5. Students will be able to register for these administrations beginning in May. Eligible students will be able to take the exam with a fee waiver. Students who were registered for June and those in the high school class of 2021 who don't have SAT scores will have early access to registration for the August, September, and October administrations.
College Board is committed to giving students as many chances as they can to show their strengths to admissions officers. If you have any questions or concerns, please check the image to access their website. It is regularly updated.
District Scholarships Deadline Extended to May 1st
The deadline date of April 24 has been changed to May 1. Completed scholarship applications can be mailed to the mailing address listed in the applications. Students can also email completed applications to Martha Jones at If a student is applying for multiple scholarships please send each application separately and put the name of the scholarship in the subject line of the email.
Click the links below to access the application information for each scholarship.
Please note the applications still list April 24 as the deadline
but the deadline has been extended to May 1.
Friday, April 17, 2020
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