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Thursday, November 7, 2013

Inside the Classroom: Our Technology & Consumerism Driven World

Mrs. Laura Smith, a veteran English teacher at The View, presented a mini-lesson on consumerism to Mrs. Liggett's 7th period English I Honors class. Mrs. Smith's presentation centered around Louise Nevelson's sculpture, Sky Cathedral (pictured). This lesson on art and creativity was used as support for the novel that the students are currently studying, Feed by M.T. Anderson, which is set in a futuristic dystopian society whose people are continuously influenced by a stream of advertising, music, and chatting fed into their brains via an advanced technology. Anderson's work of satire is social commentary of today's technology and consumer driven world.

One of the students, Tierra King, said, "This related to Feed because [the characters] are too obsessed with the next big thing...[like] people these days who get their iPhone 5 and by the end of the year throw it out for the iPhone6." The students benefited from Mrs. Smith's presentation in that they were better able to understand the troubling aspect of an overly consumer-driven society and the waste that it often produces.