The Boys & Girls Clubs of the Midlands is looking for a few good students for this year and the 2016-2017 school year. This opportunity is for Juniors and Seniors, especially Teacher Cadets and Health Science 2 students with early dismissal. These positions are hands on with kids. They are looking for young adults who are passionate about working with kids and could see this opportunity as a career choice. They have shifts from one to five days per week, and from 2:30-5:30 pm. Students must provide their own transportation to the work site and orientation site. Pay is minimum wage, but after a 30 day probation period, employees will have the opportunity to enroll in our nationally recognized apprenticeship program and which will allow them to advance at their own pace in the organization while earning more pay. Employees can increase their hourly wage by up to $1.50 in a year by completing the youth development training that is offered in partnership with Midlands Tech. Applications are available in D-95 or you can e-mail for more information.